Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Genealogy Files of David Eggler
Introduction to the book on David Eggler's genealogy (his side of the family)
Henry David Jones Koons: Philadelphia to Shakopee, Minnesota
The Town of Brower is an article by Susan Speros that details the beginning and decline of Browertown, today Unionville, in southern Berks County, Pennsylvania. Abraham Brower, my 5th great-grandfather and the great-grandfather of Henry David Jones Koons, founded a mini-empire on the banks of the Schuylkill Navigation Canal. It is a google doc that is most easily accessed by googling "Town of Brower."
The Hewitt Family of Minnesota
John Boswell Allen and Jane Dillard Allen: Kentucky to Indiana to Shakopee, Minnesota
The Duerrwaechter Family: Switzerland to Knittlingen, Germany, to Wisconsin
The Thiel Family: Ittersdorf, Germany to Cincinnati to Wisconsin
Imm and Zelger Families: Hartheim and Biengen, Baden, Germany to Cincinnati, Ohio
The Eggler Families: Brienz, Switzerland to America
Descendant Chart of Ulli Eggler of Brienz, Switzerland: this chart shows all descendants of Ulli Eggler (~1647-1702), my 7th great-grandfather. Chart courtesy of Peter Waelti, a Swiss genealogist. My 3rd great-grandfather Caspar Eggler (1783- ) and his ancestors are on the bottom row of the chart. The chart is a .pdf, so it can be enlarged to readable size.
My Smith-Dawson-Backhouse Ancestors
Freihofer, Siegrist, and Gebendinger Families of Canton Zurich, Switzerland
Francis Dorothy 'Fannie' Jones Abbey Earl Puckett
Solomon Patterson Descendants in New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Iowa
Descendants of Timothy Abbey and Betsey Jacox
Nettie Maria Smith Abbey: Her Brothers, Sisters, and Ancestors
John Vanblad and Emma Charlotta Matson: Swedish Ancestors and Descendants