Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

From Here to There
Gallery at The Gamble Mill
June 5 - September 18, 2010

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Click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images: 

Opening reception. Gallery Committee Chair Susan Nicholas Gephart at far left

Artist Beverly Klucher, on right

Gay Dunne, Mary McMurtrie (BHCA Arts Administrator), Bellefonte sculptor Talley Fisher

Artist Anna Mulfinger

Artists Bob Baumbach & Ziggy Coyle

Artist Nancy Palfrey & daughter Sarah, subject of the painting

1. Beverly Klucher, Quiet Alcove

2. Mary Vollero, Exxon UniMart

3. Anna Mulfinger, Four Seasons

4. Anna Mulfinger, Remembering Twirls

6. Mary Vollero, Weis

7. James Farrah, Zia

8. James Farrah, Cerveza

9. Mary Vollero, Burger King

10. Ignacious Wentling, Atoll

11. Mary Vollero, Allegheny Hill

12. Mary Vollero, CVS Laundromat

13. Ignacious Wentling, Meadowland

14. Ignacious Wentling, Chespeake

15. Ignacious Wentling, Northfield

16. Ignacious Wentling, Providence

17. Ignacious Wentling, Pequod

18. Mary Vollero, Bellefonte Wok

19. James Farrah, Rolls

20. Robert Baumbach, Riding the Golden Gate

21. Robert Baumbach, Conway Railroad, NH

22. Robert Baumbach, Motor Scooters, Sienna, Italy

23. Robert Baumbach, Central Park Carriages

24. Robert Baumbach, Ferry, Lake Lucerne

25. Robert Baumbach, Bicycles, Florence

26. Nancy Palfrey, After the Game

27. Nancy Palfrey, Sarah

28. Beverly Klucher, A Mid-Winter Valley

29. Beverly Klucher, Philadelphia Rain II

30A. Ziggy Coyle, Bellefonte Rumble, an acrylic on aluminum hanging installation

30B. Bellefonte Rumble, cont'd

30C. Bellefonte Rumble, cont'd

30D. Bellefonte Rumble, cont'd

30E. Bellefonte Rumble, cont'd

30F. Bellefonte Rumble, cont'd