1. ZheKa-Art, The Mask
2. Manya Goldstein, Red Dragon
3. ZheKa-Art, Wading in the Ghost River
4. Anju Jolly, Tribal Weaves (Native Indian Tradition)
5. Anju Jolly, Tribal Weaves (Chinese Tradition)
6. Anju Jolly, Tribal Weaves (Tradition from India)
7. Manya Goldstein, Bee
8. Manya Goldstein, Magic Fish
9. ZheKa-Art, CompArtmemtalized
10. ZheKa-Art, The Peach Song
11. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Amish Scene
12. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Under the Firmament
13. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Bears and Wolves
14. ZheKa-Art, Everyday Miracle
15. ZheKa-Art, Beauty and the Beast
16. Anju Jolly, Swan
17. Anju Jolly, Bubblicious
18. ZheKa-Art, Silent Scream
19. ZheKa-Art, Disappearing Act
20. Zheka-Art, The One that Cannot Be Put Out
21. ZheKa-Art, Halfway over the Abyss, of a Stray Star
22. ZheKa-Art, The Pearl Diver
23. Manya Goldstein, Little Bird
24. Manya Goldstein, Red Sky at Night
25. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Civil War Now
26. ZheKa-Art, Every Wall has a Window
27. Anju Jolly, Chandra the Indian Dancer
28. ZheKa-Art, Travel Light
29. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Looking Up
30. Anju Jolly, Fish in the Coral Reef
31. Manya Goldstein, Mid Century Yellow
32. Manya Goldstein, Thin Red Line
33. Anju Jolly, Neural Networks
34. Anju Jolly, Woman in Veil
35. ZheKa-Art, The Vessel
36. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Under the Arcade
37. ZheKa-Art, A Thought in Progress
38. ZheKa-Art, In the Smile
39. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Woman
40. Anju Jolly, Guardian
41. Anju Jolly, Dreamer
42. Manya Goldstein, Big Spring
ZheKa-Art: 43. Snail - Ideas of Home, and 44. Snail - Home among the Stars
45. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Water Bird
46. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Goat
47. Anju Jolly, Poema
48. Mary Cady-Rubinstein, Cat
49. Anju Jolly, Flower
50. Manya Goldstein, Aqua Bella