Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania


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August 11, 1975

Council Chambers,

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania


Present: Commission members Fisher, Woodring, Pelick, Krauss, Peters


Meeting called to order at 7:45 P.M. by Rob Fisher, Chairman


1. Old Business

(a) Report by Nick Pelick on the Train Station Project

There is $11,013.50 on hand, $18,000.00 due from pledges and memberships. Since $46,186.00 is due on the contract, other sources have been contacted for contributions over a three year period.


Mr. Pelick stated that ground was broken on August 5th and work on the building is proceeding.


All names of contributors will be engraved on a plaque as well as appreciation expressed in newspaper articles.


(b) The possibility of acquiring railroad cars and equipment, as an additional goal for the Project, was discussed at length. Rob Fisher will contact various sources regarding the locating and purchasing of such items. Suggestions included:

The Bellefonte Central

Railroad Museums (Orbisonia, Reading)

Joan Blasko, who may have some pertinent information


2.  New Business


(a) It was suggested that the H.S.C. consider sponsoring a “Community Award” program in which recognition would be given to businesses or homeowners restoring or significantly improving their properties.

       A member of the Talleyrand Park Committee has expressed interest in contacting the State College Group responsible for choosing the sites to be recognized there, regarding the criteria and regulations applied.


(b) Rob Fisher announced that the signs at the entrance to Bellefonte will be renewed through a group at the University.  The expense is expected to be shared by the Service Clubs whose symbols appear on the signs.


(c) In response to a question, Bob Woodring stated that Talleyrand Park, as a borough owned project, is automatically under the aegis of the Historical Site Commission, and contributions are therefore tax deductible.


Rob Fisher reported that the MANPOWER Program has agreed to provide funds for labor needed to complete the Talleyrand Park Project.  Hired as Design Director of a Special Projects Workshop, he felt that the Talleyrand Park Committee now will use its resources to solicit building and landscaping materials.  Hope was expressed that the separate efforts toward each project (Train Station and Talleyrand Park) would be coordinated.


(d) Rob Fisher read a letter he had written for the Historical Site Commission to thank Chuck Mong, Chairman of the County Bicentennial Committee, proposing that the Bicentennial Committee sponsor a research team to perform the necessary duties toward registering eligible sites in various communities in the county with the Pennsylvania Register of Historic Sites and Landmarks.  MANPOWER has monies available for such a project, which would be carried out as a Bicentennial project for one year.  In Bellefonte the Train Station and the Gamble Mill have already been registered, and there exist many more potentially eligible sites.  Registered buildings and sites are e1igible to receive matching funds for restoration and preservation.


Motion was made by Mr. Krauss, seconded by Mr. Pelick and unanimously passed that the Historical Site Commission approve the letter as written and initiate and support the project.


There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.


                              Respectfully submitted,


                              Lynn Peters, Secretary