Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Talleyrand Park Citizens Committee
Minutes of December 16, 1979, meeting
A brief business meeting was held after the Christmas pot luck dinner at the home of the Fishers. The meeting was called to order by Steve Deutsch at 8 p.m.
The following committee members were present: S. and P. Deutsch, D. Shetlar, G. Dunne, J. Yeager, M. Bliss, D. Peters; J. and B. Olson, M. Poister, R. and M. Cutietta, J. Blasko, D. and L. Brown, T. and R. Fisher, P. and L. Schneeman.
Minutes of the November meeting were approved after correctly identifying the source of Talleyrand Park Christmas tree as the Shetlars.
Treasurer's Report - presented by Joan Blasko
Checking account balance - 11/28/79 $ 475.43
Transferred from savings 1073.31
Contributions 151.00
Checking account assets prior to expenses 1699.74
Expenses (Bellefonte Boro & Beavertown Block) -1419.17
Checking account balance - 12/16/79 280.57
Savings account balance 98.11
Total assets $ 378.68
Committee Reports
Design Committee
Steady progress on the Barnard site fence was reported by David Shetlar and Steve Deutsch. Three iron poles capped by finials were already visible and a massive clean-up project had been launched by CETA workers on the site, hauling away debris, etc., resulting in a more photogenic appearance. Rob Fisher noted that two ironwork sections had been joined and would soon be erected. All material costs for the ironwork had been finalized and the sum would fall within the limit of $840, as agreed with CETA and Bellefonte Borough.
The issue of a sign at the Barnard site was raised by Steve Deutsch, who had prepared several versions for discussion on the appropriate wording to give joint credit to CETA, Talleyrand Park Committee, and Bellefonte Borough. A compromise could not be reached, so this topic will be reexamined at the January Meeting.
Fund-raising Committees
A. "Big Bucks" Committee
Contacts by letter or phone have been made to all prospects resulting in a current yield of $300.
B. "Small Bucks" Committee
The Rent-a-Santa project met with a poor response, according to David Shetlar, only one visit was requested! Publicity was not optimal for the service; this was a possible contributing factor.
Sales of the Centre County coloring books through area merchants had profited only $20 to date.
The auction of personal items donated by celebrities is slated for sometime in mid May. Rob Cutietta reported that a committee meeting will be held in the second week of January to develop an approach for this not-so-"small bucks" project.
C. Rob Fisher reported for the “$20 a section" committee, pointing out that any public "sales pitch" might be more effective if preceded by newspaper coverage, including photographs of a section of completed fence. The first release, planned for the day or so following the meeting would properly acknowledge CETA's participation. A second release, probably accompanied by a photo, would then offer readers the opportunity of purchasing a fence section for $20. The committee will meet soon to discuss the next steps of this project.
Old Business
Steve Deutsch stated that both the Christmas tree and Nativity scene had been placed in Talleyrand Park on that date. Because the Nativity scene was not displayed in a well-lighted location along the bank, Molly Poister stated that Earl Schultz of the Undine Fire Company would be contacted for assistance in arranging proper lighting.
A follow-up letter was received from the Central Pennsylvania Arts Council summarizing the first meeting held in November and polling those individuals and groups who had attended regarding their continued interest. The Talleyrand Park Committee is still interested in the formation of such an umbrella organization, but the likelihood that the group will form soon is small.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on January 16 at the David Bliss' with refreshments provided by the Shetlars.
Respectfully submitted,
Gay D. Dunne