Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Talleyrand Park Committee
September 17, 1980, meeting
This meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m. collectively by all committee members present, in lieu of the president's absence. The place was the home of Steven and Keviney Furst.
Those attending the September meeting were: B. Olson, M. Chadwick, S. Segalstad, L. Peters, J. Blasko, T. Fisher, P. Schneeman, K. and S. Furst, A. Jacobs, G. Dunne, J. and A. Shields, J. Yeager, M. Poister, and R. and M. Cutietta.
There were no minutes to be approved from the informal August meeting.
Joan Blasko, treasurer, presented a brief update on the Committees' financial status.
Checking account balance $ 408.99
Savings account balance 615.92
Total assets $1024.91
To put these figures into perspective, it should be noted that all sculpture garden fence costs have been met. However, calendar related bills of $1400-$1500, viz. artist's fees and printing costs, are pending.
Committee Reports
A. Nominating Committee
Lynn Peters presented the committee's proposed slate of officers for 1980-81, which follows:
Anne and Rick Jacobs - president
Laura Brown - vice president
Gay Dunne - recording secretary
Mary Beth Cutietta - corresponding secretary
Dave Shetlar - treasurer
No additional nominations were proffered from the floor; the slate of officers was voted upon and duly approved.
B. Fund-raising Committees
l. Victoriana Calendar
Anne Jacobs, Joan Blasko, and Becky Olson presented the promotional brochures as well as six of the artists architectural renderings for the calendar. They were greatly admired by the group. All thirteen plates have been completed (one per month plus cover) and the estimated completion date for printing of the calendars is October 1. The brochures will be mailed to physicians, dentists, lawyers, and all past patrons of the PPA and were apportioned to committee members during the meeting for mailing and distribution. The calendars will enjoy a rather wide marketing distribution through seven merchants and restaurants in the State College-Bellefonte area and via mail order.
Other promotional efforts consist of consecutive displays of Anni Matsick's original drawings in Centre County and Schlow libraries during September and October, two strategically-timed articles in the Centre Daily Times, and display and sale of the calendars at the PPA's melodrama on October 24 and 25 and possibly at the mid-October antique show held at Westerly Parkway Junior High School.
In order to augment profits on this project, Joan Blasko proposed selling the original drawings. This idea was evaluated by the Committee, and equitable arrangement was developed whereby the drawings would be offered first to the owners of the buildings featured therein at cost ($45), then released for sale to the general public for $50 each.
The calendar committee recommended turning the calendar into an annual production, possibly selecting specific architectural aspects as themes for later editions, e.g. roof, fences, doors. Also, in interest of recycling artistic ideas, negatives have been made from the plates for smaller reproductions for stationery. Similarly, other objects bearing the imprint of the drawings might be created for sale. These recommendations will be considered at a future meeting.
2. VIP Auction
The status of this project was nebulous, since no subcommittee members were present to report on their progress. It was suspected that apathy had befallen the project. Rob and Mary Beth Cutietta expressed an interest in the auction; they will organize a small committee to study the feasibility of staging this fund raiser.
C. Design Committees
1. Sculpture Garden
a. True Fisher informed us that the antique lamp posts have been sandblasted and repainted by CETA; the next steps will be electrical wiring and preparing the ground for the footings.
b. The need for topsoil in the garden was reviewed. Becky Olson volunteered to develop an estimate of the tonnage required based on the area's dimension, and then requested gratis from Bellefonte Boro, in addition to fresh sand for the sandbox area. If the Boro should refuse to supply the topsoil, expenditure of funds for that purpose was endorsed by group action. Although grass seeding would be appropriate at the season, it may be premature until the garden layout is firm.
c. A work session in the park was scheduled for October 4, 9-12 a.m., by Becky Olson and Anne Jacobs for general fall clean-up work and to spread sand, and hopefully, topsoil.
d. Anne Jacobs stated her intention to pursue CETA's fabrication of the Gazebo fence, since funds had been approved this summer. She will keep us abreast of developments at future meetings.
New Business
l. True Fisher recounted a telephone conversation with Lock Haven's Parks and Recreation Director, in which he expressed an interest in constructing a qazebo in their town park similar to our own. Although flattering, it would not be desirable for two towns of such proximity to both have identical gazebos. True will handle the matter diplomatically.
2. Another plug for TPC! True also informed the group that she added TPC's name to the credits listed in the Bellefonte walking tour map, reflecting her personal efforts as a TPC member in soliciting donors for the map's reprinting.
3. Siri Segalstad agreed to resume her former function on the call committee, taking Anne Jacobs' place.
4. Future meetings and events:
A. Next business meeting, October 15, at Anne and Rick Jacob's home.
B. Halloween party in Yeager's barn on November 1, 8 p.m. This is a costume party; refreshments will be provided by the guests.
Respectfully submitted,