Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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October 25, 1983

Centre County Courthouse, Small Courtroom


Members present: Cherene Holland, President, Bonnie Leathers, Vice­President, Lynn Peters, Treasurer, Liane Schneeman, Secretary; Jack Yeager, Debbie Cree, Tim McDevitt; Crystol Thomas, True Fisher, Lisa Peters, Melady Klausmeier, Gay & Jim Dunne, Maureen Garvin, Morgan Paine.


The meeting was called to order at 8:25 p.m. by Cherene.


Treasurer's Report:

      Checking Account      $  428.49

      Savings Account       $ 1040.35

                            $ 1468.84


Announcements by the President


     Cherene reported that BHCA contributed $ 25.00 to the Jaycees Halloween parade, but by this date no publicity had been done regarding the awards for costumes for which this money was given.  (Morgan Paine’s idea of making a float for the Jaycees Halloween Parade should be taken up again next fall, and should be planned during our first fall meeting September.)

     We will renew our membership in CPCA ($ 25.00).

     BHCA is now a member of Bellefonte Area Chamber of Commerce.

     The matter of making a contribution toward stage lighting of Bellefonte Elementary School should be tabled.

     BHCA has agreed to make its contribution to Bellefonte’s "Victorian Christmas" celebration by planning the Victorian Ball. That event is scheduled for Wednesday after Christmas. Melady reported on the meeting with the "Victorian Christmas" committee.

     Cherene expressed concern about our dwindling funds and proposed two possible fund-raising projects:

(1) A fashion show of Victorian costumes from the collection of CCL, to be held at the Gamble Mill in the spring, with the proceeds to help the "Victorian Costumes" Project get started. Crystol Thomas suggested holding this event in conjunction with the Bellefonte Woman's C1ub Homes Tour. Cherene will be our contact person.

(2) We should do a mailing in January, asking for contributions to support our projects. A letter will be necessary. The need for a brochure stating aims and activities of BHCA was discussed again.  Lynn Peters reminded us again that it is necessary for us to discuss our purpose and goals, and define them.  The brochure should present a clear picture of what the role of BHCA within the community is.  Melady Klausmeier will take up this matter again in January.


Other Announcements


Gay Dunne mentioned that Central Pennsylvania Arts Council is offering a grant for $ 300.00 for a multi-media event, to be scheduled between January-June, 1984. The deadline is November 15.  The second grant, to be awarded in the spring of ’84, should be applied for by May 15.


Melady Klausmeier proposed that Mitchell Bradley, who has published a collection of old postcards of Bellefonte, should be recognized for his contribution. This is in keeping with our desire to honor, each year, one person whose efforts have honored Bellefonte. Melady proposed a monetary award of $ 25.00 and a certificate, to be presented to Mitchell by June 1984. This is not to be an annual event but a special recognition, based on special merit.




1. Sunday Afternoon Concerts at the Library: all the dates are firm, a social committee is in place; Virginia Ulrich will be contacting volunteers to help with refreshments. Everyone should help. There was discussion about the possibility of holding one of the concerts at the Gamble Mill. We will continue to discuss this.


2. Slide Show: Rob Cannon's grant application to the National Endowment for the Humanities was discussed. The grant has potential, but requires more work. Rob or someone else should rewrite the grant.


3. Top Brass Committee: this committee needs to be restructured and needs more members.  Tim McDevitt agreed to chair it; Lynn Peters, Bonnie Leathers, and Jack Yeager are also on it.


4. Fundraising project "Bellefonte Postcards": Lisa Peters

will get some estimates of printing costs. Liane Schneeman agreed to be on the committee.


The next meeting will be November 15.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.