Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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January 18. 1983

The Bush House


Members Present: Melady Klausmeier, President, Lynn Peters, Treasurer,

Liane Schneeman, Secretary; Gary Utz, Crystal Thomas, Lisa Peters, Bonnie Leathers, Wanda Miller, Virginia Ulrich, Debbie Cree, Jane Beaver, Liza and Jack Yeager, Bud Curtin, Cherene Holland, Morgan Paine, Gay Dunne.


The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Melady Klausmeier.


Treasurer's Report:

Lynn Peters reported that proceeds received by BCHA from "Victorian Year In Costumed" amounted to $ 619.30 -- that is one half of the total intake, the other half going to PPA which co-sponsored the event.

Total amount in checking account -- S 466.86

Total amount in savings account  -- $ 1203.94


Comments by the President:

Melady Klausmeier outlined the activities of BHCA for new members and ex­plained our affiliation with other groups. She also reported on the Christmas activities of BHCA: (1) Our participation in the Victorian fashion show. (2) A display of antique toys at the former Western Auto store (Dershem's), for which contributions were solicited from within the community. It was a success and will be planned again next year.


Reports of Standing Committees:


1. Sunday Afternoon Concerts at the Library: Gay Dunne asked the entire committee to help sell tickets for the upcoming Dorothy Schad Memorial Concert on February 19 (to benefit the Piano Fund). Debbie Cree is helping with the sale of tickets (355-5981). Liane Schneeman volunteered to assist in the distribution of tickets to members (10 each). Last year, BHCA contributed $ 50.00 to the Piano Fund. The question was raised whether that donation should be made again this year. A decision on that point was postponed.


    2. The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Grant: In 1982, BHCA applied for and received a grant from the Council (with matching funds from the Boro of Bellefonte). Another application was made for 1983, and Liane Schneeman reported that the grant was approved again. Grants are available to individual artists and arts groups within the boro. A public announcement of the grant, with deadlines for applications, will be made shortly. The review committee which will process these grants consists of: Peter Schneeman, Chairman, Corene Johnston, Gay Dunne, Rob Fisher and Liane Schneeman.


    3. Slide Show for the Mall: Liane Schneeman reported that a committee is already in place. The show is planned for late fall 1983. Gary Utz suggested using material from this show to make up a brochure featuring the life and cultural activities of Bellefonte, for distribution to real estate agents, the Chamber of Commerce, etc., in order to promote Bellefonte. The suggestion was also made to have a slide contest, to help produce the slides necessary for this show. Melady felt that specific individuals should be assigned to take slides. It was resolved to await the report of the committee.


4. Gamble Mill Exhibition Space: Morgan Paine reported that the tentative date for the opening of this space is May 1983, possibly to be arranged in conjunction with the tour of four studio spaces, also planned by Morgan Paine. Morgan reported that the space has been cleared and is taking shape. The space is "rugged" and especially well suited for the display of sculpture. This committee is currently run by Morgan and Ted Conklin and some additional members are needed. Gary Utz and Lisa Peters volunteered to help.

Morgan also reported on the state of a personal project for which he received a small grant from BHCA.


5. Concerts in Talleyrand Park: It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce is putting together a calendar of events in the area -- not to be published, but for reference and cross-reference for various organizations. We should make an effort to place our events on that calendar. Gay Dunne noted that the Central Pennsylvania Arts Council has a calendar of events planned for April. Each committee should make sure that its events appear in both calendars, especially the concerts in the park. Bonnie Leathers reported on their plans and schedule for summer 1983. There will be nine Sunday evening concerts, between June 19 and August 13.


Unfinished Business :


   Top Brass Committee -- no report.


There were also no further developments on an old plan to have a booklet of old and new postcards of Bellefonte printed as a fund raising project.


New Business:


Melady noted that there is a great deal of confusion regarding the use

of a joint mailing permit for BHCA, the Talleyrand Park Committee and PPA. Lynn Peters volunteered to make a report on the situation for the next meeting.


Wanda Miller suggested that BHCA participate in some way -- perhaps by contributing a puppet show, clowns or mimes -- in this year's Bellefonte Children's Fair. It would be a good way to gain visibility for BHCA. Jane Beaver felt that another show on the order of the Victorian fashion show might be interesting. Living portraits, modeled on existing old photographs of Bellefonte families might be used.


The next meeting was set for February 22, at 7:30 at the Bush House.


The meeting was adjourned by Melady Klausmeier at 9:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Liane Schneeman
