Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
March 22, 1983 •
The Bush House
Members Present: Melady Klausmeier, President, Lynn Reters, Treasurer, Liane Schneeman, Secretary; Morgan Paine, Jack Yeager, Peter Schneeman, Virginia Ulrich, Cristal Thomas, Rob and True Fisher, Debbie Cree, Rob Gannon, Gay Dunne.
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 by Melady Klausmeier.
Treasurer's report: There have been only minimal expenses since January.
Savings Account $ 1213.94
Checking Account $ 367.09
Announcements: Gay Dunne mentioned that BHCA is now a member of the Central Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. The Dorothy Schad Memorial Concert brought $ 660.00 for the Piano Restoration Fund (the total now stands at $ 1069). Also, the Grants Review Committee announced that the deadline for applications to Pennsylvania Council on the Arts has been extended to April 30.
Old Business:
It was announced that three notices regarding the PCA grant been placed in the Centre Daily Times and Centre Democrat as well as the radio. Two requests for applications have been received so far. Rob Fisher reported on the meeting of members of the Grant Review Committee with Karen Pollock from PCA: Rob Fisher, Corene Johnston, Peter and Liane Scheeman were present. Rob was particularly impressed by her mention that PCA likes to fund part-time positions for administrators of local arts councils. He said that we should look into the possibility of creating such an arts council in Bellefonte and apply for funds to staff it.
Morgan Paine reported on the gallery space at the Gamble Mill. The wiring for the lighting system is now in place. For the next project -- putting the ceiling into place -- Morgan will need sane help with carpentry. Jack Yeager, Rob Fisher, Rob Gannon, Peter and Liane Schneeman and Cristal Thomas volunteered to help. The major problem will be staffing the gallery once the exhibitions will be in place. The problem was discussed and the possibility of having the space open either evenings or weekends or both now seems most likely. Virginia Ulrich suggested that the space might be used for fundraising activities. Other possibilities for use were also suggested. Morgan is basically not in favor of such uses (e.g. a community center), since this would place added responsibilities on him. Melady also felt that it would be necessary to come up with some kind of rent agreement, since at present our relationship with the Gamble Mill is not defined.
Several committees are also needed: (1) Gallery managers and staff (Gary Utz, Lisa Peters). (2) Exhibition Committee (should have five to seven members): Morgan Paine, Steve Porter, Diane Pepe, Maureen Garvin, Rob Fisher, Joyce Hagen were suggested as possible candidates. (3) Policymaking Committee, which should also have the function of raising money (no further suggestions on that).
The Tour of Artists' Studios is tentatively set for May 14-15. The poster for this event was designed by Peter Salter.
A motion was passed to recognize Gay and Jim Dunne for making the Sunday Afternoon Concerts at the Library a great success. BHCA is grateful to them for bringing such excellent music to Bellefonte.
The summer season of Walking Tours was discussed. Since attendance during the last season was poor, it was suggested that we might skip one year. General opinion, however, was in favor of continuing the event. Melady suggested that we could have fewer tours. It was resolved that we plan one tour only (at 1:00 p.m.) for the first Saturday of each month and also on Labor Day. A motion by Virginia Ulrich to this effect was passed, to go to the new chairperson as a recommendation of BHCA. A new chairperson has to be appointed. Liane Schneeman will get in touch with Robin Woodring Dale of the Lions' Country Visitors Bureau, which might be willing to take on the responsibility for organizing the tours. A contact person from BHCA would be necessary (perhaps Jane Beaver or Rick Jacobs).
Melady would like to see BHCA represented at the meetings of the Central Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Jack Yeager will be our representative at the Annual Membership Meeting (Sunday, April 10, 8:3O p.m. at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church).
The Centre County Library needs funds to create acceptable storage for the valuable Victorian costumes in their collection. It was suggested that they apply for a PCA grant, for the purposes of receiving some expert technical advice on restoration and storage of old costumes.
Rob Gannon reported on his continuing efforts to obtain for Bellefonte Boro some old street lamps given by West Penn to Emporium. These lamps are identical to those now in place in Bellefonte and could be used as replacements or be installed elsewhere.
The next meeting was set for Tuesday, April 26, at 7:30 p.m. at the Gamble Mill.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Liane Schneeman