Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
April 26, 1983, The Gamble Mill
Members present: Me1ady Klausmeier (President), Lynn Peters (Treasurer), Liane Schneeman (Secretary); Rob Fisher, Rob Gannon, Jack and Liza Yeager, Morgan Paine, Virginia Ulrich, Sue Plumb, Pat Casher, Gay Dunne, Cherene Ho1land, Peter Schneeman.
The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m, by Melady Klausmeier.
Announcements: The Walking Tour of Artists_Studios will take place on May 15. at 2:00 p.m.
Rob Gannon made a motion to set future meetings at 8:00 p.m, instead of 7:30 p.m. The motion was passed.
Treasurer's Report: |
Savings Account |
$ 1213.94 |
Checking Account |
$ 307.81 |
Committee Reports:
Concerts in the Park: Melady Klausmeier reported that the concerts in the park for summer 1983 are planned and begin June 18. An event for children (Robin Moore), to be held in front of the courthouse, is also planned (July 9?).
Walking Tours: Gay Dunne suggested that the period rooms of Centre County Library Historical Museum be included in the tours. No decision on that was reached, but Rob Fisher felt that a brief talk before the start of the tours (for those who were interested) might be a way of incorporating the museum into the tours. Rick Jacobs may be taking over the walking tours. He should be asked, if Lions Country Visitors Bureau is unable to do it.
Miscellaneous Business
Slide Show: Different ways of obtaining slides were discussed. Members present agreed to take a roll of slides and bring them to the next meeting for general viewing.
New Business
Gamble Mill Gallery Space: Morgan Paine needs help in finishing the exhibition space. No work date was set. Rob Gannon felt that it would be more convenient, for everyone, if the mill were open on Sunday for those who have time to give a hand on that particular day.
General questions concerning future policies, and the nature of this space were discussed.
Rob Fisher felt that there are a number of spaces available in town for small-scale shows, and that this gallery should be reserved for sizeable, significant events. Furthermore, the definition of "event" should be kept broad, to include all types of events. Morgan Paine reiterated his belief that we should concentrate on quality performances. He believes that the project should be organized by residents of Bellefonte.
It was generally agreed that the policy-making committee should consist of members of BHCA.
Both Virginia Ulrich and Sue Plumb expressed the opinion that a formal agreement should be drawn up between BHCA and Ted Conklin regarding the uses of this space and mutual responsibilities. Most importantly, a time frame during which BHCA is guaranteed use of this space should be decided upon.
Morgan, Rob Fisher and Melady will meet with Ted Conklin to clarify these issues. Morgan Paine and the "gallery managers" will meet separately.
The next meeting was set for Tuesday, May 24, at the Gamble Mill. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Liane Schneeman