Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
NOVEMBER 7, 1984 at The Bush House
Members Present: Cherene Holland, President, Lynn Peters, Treasurer,
Liane Schneeman, Secretary; Sandy. Nesselrode (Arts Coordinator), Maureen Garvin, Corene Johnston, Jim Dunne, Gay Dunne, Melady Klausmeier, Rob Gannon.
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m.
President Cherene Holland introduced Sandy Nesselrode, the now Arts Coordinator for BHCA.
Treasurer's Report:
Savings Account $6034.84
Checking Account $527.15
Total $6561.99
Funds currently at disposal of BHGA and not pledged through grants: $597.49
Set aside for Arts Coordinator position - 330.00
Total $ 293.68
1. Talleyrand Park Concerts: Melady Klausmeier reported that concerts were held on June 23, 30 and July l, 1984. A total of $53.36 was received in donations.
2. Gamble Mill Gallery: Corene Johnston reported that "Synergy" was a success and made some money. She also mentioned that the steering committee for the Mill had discussed the possibility of opening an account of its own and had declined to do so because of the costs of maintaining such an account. Discussion followed. BHCA members feel strongly that the Mill accounts should be kept separately -- a compromise being that expenditures and income of Mill events should be meticulously recorded so that Lynn Peters will be able to account for them separately, if necessary. Corene also reported that Pennsylvania Council on the Arts offers grants for multimedia events (up to $300) and that she would like to apply for such a grant. Members felt that this was a good idea. Jim Dunne commented on the fact that $200.00 of the Arts Coordinator funds were earmarked for operational costs such as setting up office, supplies and phone. He also reminded us that the rent for space at the Train Station had been negotiated for $120.00/year ($ 10.00 a month), which would also have to be paid by BHCA. Melady Klausmeier offered to contact the Chamber of Commerce in an effort to reduce that fee, or have the space donated.
1. Status of BHCA: Melady Klausmeier mentioned that BHCA has never applied for status as a charitable organization. Although we are not necessarily a fund-raising organization, failure to comply with this rule could cause difficulties in the future. (Note that this is different from having status as a non-profit organization). Sandy Nesselrode offered to study the application forms and report to us.
2. The New Arts Coordinator: Sandy Nesselrode spoke briefly about the position and asked us to identify three major priorities BiiCA has: Members suggested the following:
(1) Raise money
(2) Actively support the programs of the Gamble Mill
(3) Help enhance the image of Bellefonte
3. Fundraising Projects: This is a priority for 1985. Since we have to provide additional funds for the Arts Coordinator position, at least one such project will be necessary. PLEASE BRING SUGGESTIONS TO THE NEXT MEETING! Three possible projects were discussed: (a) providing plaques for historic houses in Bellefonte; (b) Creating a book of old and new postcards of Bellefonte; (c) Creating a poster of "The Doors of Bellefonte" on the model of "The Doors of Dublin". The first of these raises more questions than we can answer for the moment. The second and third require a substantial initial investment we can't make at present, and are long-term projects. We need the money now! Discussion of this issue will continue--hopefully with better ideas.
4. Membership Drive: Cherene noted that a sizeable group of "friends" of BHCA should be kept in touch with, perhaps through minutes sent to this group as well. This could be a costly project in the long run. An alternative is to send a yearly report (letter) of BHCA's accomplishments. This will be discussed further by Cherene and Liane Schneeman. Lynn Peters suggested that an initial mailing of the BHCA brochure to people on our general mailing list (includes a membership application form) could serve as an initial membership drive. The suggestion was approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 4 at the Bush House.
Respectfully .submitted,
Liane Schneeman, Secretary