Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes of the Meeting, Bush House, Wednesday, 5 December 1984



Members Present: Cherene Holland, President; Bonnie Leathers, Vice-President; Lynn Peters, Treasurer; Don Peters; Peter Schneeman; Melady Klausmeier; Rob Fisher. Later: Gay Dunne, Rob Gannon.




Brass Plaques: Bonnie Leathers reported that Miller, Kistler, and Campbell, the law office across from Linn House, wants to buy a plaque. We need a new contact at Cerro, and we should try to have brass donated by Cerro. Melady Klausmeier will approach Joe Reilly. Main Street Manager interested in project, but BHCA cannot give it up as a fundraiser.


Doors of Bellefonte: While this project is too expensive (perhaps initial outlay of $2,000), we could have someone take slides of houses at Christmas this year. (Perhaps Rob Gannon could start.) Color separations will be expensive. Rob Gannon to contact Lewisburg Historical Society to see if it is worth investment.


Postcard Books: Rob Gannon to pursue. (NB: Boalsburg now has postcards-­of Memorial Day)


Mass Mailing of Red Brochures: The group approves; the time of mailing to be decided at January meeting.


The Gamble Mill Gallery Committee


Corene Johnston has accepted the position of Arts Coordinator for one year under the terms of the grant. Her duties will begin after "Birth and Rebirth" show at the Mill (December 14-15). Corene should write news release to CDT about the position, as well as Bernadette Waystack as Gallery Director.


It was agreed that the name of the Mill Committee should be changed to the Arts Coordinating Committee. The committee should try to meet weekly or at least be given a weekly report. What does BHCA expect of Arts Coordinator?


1. Accountability--because of BHCA's image and reputation and the paucity of funds

2. Arts Coordinator must present budget to the committee and have all expenses approved

3. Arts Coordinator must have artistic license to develop plans and contact however, committee has veto power


In addition, a separate person should be appointed to oversee accounting. This is to be ironed out at ACC meeting on December 10.


Rob Fisher's Traveling GALAXY Show ($7,500 grant from PCA)


     Rob reported that Carnegie-Mellon and Lehigh University will book the show. The Artmobile of Bucks County will travel to high schools in Pennsylvania. Show will be $2,000 per booking and is expected to pay for itself in one year. Eventually show can travel to Midwest and New England (Ohio and Massachusetts arts councils have expressed interest). After first year, show could become profit-sharing venture with 10-15% royalties paid to BHCA as sponsor. Rob Fisher will act as lecturer.


Rob asked for approval of two bills for the show: $250 for a model maker and $250 for a graphic designer. The group approved. (To date, Rob and Bruce Katsiff have divided $3,000, with an addition $188.19 in expenses.)


Gay Dunne moved that BHCA approve payment of all prior-budget expenses for the show. This was seconded by Melady Klausmeier and approved by the group.



Videotape of Victorian Christmas: Proposed by Cherene, to be done in collaboration with Chester Perkowski, owner of State College Video and Recording Studio (and perhaps Len Siebert). Rob Fisher and Melady Klausmeier have worked with Chester and can vouch for his creativity and expertise. Chester has highly sophisticated equipment, which Victorian Christmas would not have access to.


Someone must approach Victorian Christmas. BHCA would pay royalties to VC, but it would be BHCA's fundraiser.


Don Peters suggested a 20-minute segment. BHCA will apply for grant from PCA or PHC to recoup the archive footage that won't be used commercially. Video­tape could be given to local news segments, Weather World, Altoona and Johnstown stations. It could also be sold (from $15-30) to individuals and businesses. Cherene to pursue with Chester and Rob Fisher. This project has many possibilities.

Grant Application to Centre County Community Foundation (for Arts Coordinator)


Deadline is Friday, December 14. To be completed at ACC meeting December 10 BHCA will apply for 3-year matching grant (with PCA). Don Peters and Rob Fisher will meet with Mimi Coppersmith for advice (if she is in charge).


Accounting Procedures


Lynn Peters proposed that the Board share responsibilities with the Treasurer. Bills must be approved by Board at each meeting. We will establish a petty-cash fund of $50; cash extended must be accounted for and returned to Treasurer within 30 days. The Arts Coordinating Committee must approve both proposed expenditures and actual expenditures.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Because of the personalities present, the meeting often became cacophonous; however, most agreed it was highly productive.

Respectfully submitted


Cherene Holland, Acting Secretary