Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes of Meeting



Members Present: Cherene Holland, President, Bonnie Leathers, Vice-President, Lynn Peters, Treasurer, Liane Schneeman, Secretary; Maureen Garvin, Ann Jacobs, Pat Casher, Joan Kennedy, True Fisher, Jim Dunne, Corene Johnston, Melady Klausmeier, Bib Brunetti.


The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m.


The minutes of the May meeting were read.  The Treasurer’s Report was read.



The search committee proposed that all the members of the Executive Committee be re-elected for another year, and the membership voted to do so. New officers: Cherene Holland, President; Bonnie Leathers, Vice-President; Lynn Peters, Treasurer; Liane Schneeman, Secretary.



1. Gamble Mill: Corene Johnston reported that a contract now exists between Ted Conklin and BHCA. The rent for the year (for 15 weeks of actual use) was paid in the amount of $600.00 (excluding heat). Corene also gave a report on the fashion show.


2. Victorian Christmas Celebration: the question of whether BHCA should organize the Victorian Ball again was discussed at length. Cherene reported that the Pleasant Gap Women's Renaissance Group expressed interest in helping, but would not take the initiative. Lynn Peters noted that there was little enthusiasm for the project among members, and therefore our energies would be better used on a fundraising event for BHCA. Rob Gannon moved that we decline to participate this year as a group, but offer our help individually. The motion was seconded and approved.


3.   Sunday Afternoon Concerts at the Library: Jim Dunne presented the program for 1984/85. Four events will be held in the library. Two others will be held at the Mill, with proceeds going toward the salary of the arts coordinator ($3.50 per ticket). Please make a note of these events in particular and support them in every way you can -- we need the funds!

November 16/17, 8:00 p.m. -- Arthur Goldstein Plays Jazz

March 31, 2:30 p.m. --Penn State Percussion Ensemble.

A handsome program has again been printed and mailed. We thank Jim and Gay Dunne for their continuing efforts. Jim also reported that the Piano Restoration Fund now stands at $ 3450.00 and bids have been made on the project. The Library Board, however, felt that the entire sound board of the piano should be restored (a much more expensive proposition). The additional money will be obtained from other sources, perhaps the Garver Fund. Jim hopes to have the piano available for the March concert.



1. Arts Coordinator Position: an ad hoc committee was formed to discuss the role of and funding for this position: Rob Gannon (BHCA), Jim Dunne (Library Concerts), Bib Brunetti (PPA).


2. Fundraising event for BHCA: this should be our main focus! Various possibilities were discussed -- to be continued.


3. Joan Kennedy spoke briefly about her efforts to open a dance studio in downtown Bellefonte. Despite the fact that it will open a week later than planned, she feels it has had a good start already.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.


The next meeting will be held on November 6, at 8:OO p.m., Bush House.






Present: Cherene Holland, Lynn Peters, Liane Schneeman for BHCA; Corene Johnston, Jim Dunne, Rob Gannon and Rob Fisher for Gamble Mill Gallery; True Fisher, Melady Klausmeier.


Business Meeting: financial accountability of the Gamble Mill Gallery managers was-discussed: should the finances of the Mill Gallery be recorded separately or as part of BHCA's books? Melady Klausmeier suggested that the relationship of Gamble Mill Gallery and BHCA should he discussed at the next meeting. There was a consensus that it should be independent, like PPA and the Library Concerts. It was noted that both BHCA Treasurer Lynn Peters and the Gallery Committee believe that the Mill should open its own account. Cherene will discuss this with committee members inde­pendently and they then will go ahead with the plans.


Arts Coordinator Position: the Gallery Committee interviewed four extremely well-qualified applicants. After much discussion the Executive Board voted to approve the creation of the position of Arts Coordinator. The Gallery Committee has made its choice and will soon offer the position to the person chosen. Funding for this position was discussed at length. We need $ 2,200 (200.00 of it for various small operating expenses). The following budget was approved:


Already committed and available


PCA Grant .......................................... $ 1000.00

PPA contribution ...................................... 400.00

BHCA contribution ..................................... 330.00

Total .............................................. $ 1730.00


To be raised in 1985


By Gamble Mill Gallery ..............................   $235.00

By BHCA event .......................................   $235.00


The Executive Board also voted to assume responsibility for raising the remaining $470. It is to be expected that events in the Mill can produce about $250.00. Raising money should be the major goal of this year.



Respectfully submitted,

Liane Schneeman, Secretary