Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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This introduction to the Gallery was written in about July, 1984, by Corene Johnson, then the Arts Coordinator for BHCA.  The Gallery was its formative stages.  The restaurant that we now (2008) know did not yet exist. --DHE


Welcome to the Gamble Mill Gallery!


The Gamble Mill Gallery is an experiment in cooperation between commerce and culture in the renaissance of a small town. We don't know yet whether or not the experiment will work, but we think that, with your help, it can.


In 1983, the Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association provided some money and volunteers to help Mill owner Ted Conklin prepare a former storage area for use as an art gallery. The project had been initiated when artist Morgan T. Paine, who then lived in an apartment at the Mill, applied for funds from a Pennsylvania Council on the Arts grant, which BHCA administered for the Borough of Bellefonte.  Since that time, several art shows have taken place and Bellefonte’s theatre group, the Project for the Performing Arts, has used the gallery to stage a multimedia event including a craft show, live music, a play and gourmet refreshments. Bellefonte, a town pulling itself up by the bootstraps after a half century of economic and cultural depression, finally has a home for its artistic endeavors.


Clearly, this gallery, in a building which is a nationally registered Historic Site, inspires creativity. But its future depends upon its funding. BHCA has limited resources, so Mill owner Ted Conklin has offered to let us lease the gallery on a part-time basis during 1984-85. During this year, we shall discover whether our experimental gallery can support itself and continue on a permanent basis. We believe that the events we have scheduled during this year will serve the multiple purposes of offering a showcase for local artists and

artisans – giving Centre Countians a new place to go for a pleasant, mentally-stimulating break, and raising funds for the continuation of the gallery itself.


We hope that you enjoy this event at the gallery, and will support our work by telling your friends about it, and by attending future ones.  While you are in Bellefonte, you might also want to browse through its businesses.  The downtown area has been largely restored to its Victorian beauty (The BHCA sponsors weekend walking tours of the Historic District).  New stores are opening.  A town must have a sound economic base to support a climate of cultural activity. Of course, BHCA will gladly accept donations to help fund activities at the Mill. Since BHCA is a nonprofit, community organization, such gifts are tax deductible. Your check may be made out to "Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association - Gamble Mill Gallery" and given to the gallery coordinator, or mailed to Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association, PO Box, Bellefonte, PA, 16823.


For more information about the Gamble Mill Gallery, or its schedule

of events, call Gallery coordinator Corene Johnston.