Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Talleyrand Park Committee Meeting May 6, 1984
The meeting was held at Lynn and Don Peters. Present were Jack Yeager, Lynn Peters, Peter Schneeman, True Fisher, Dave Shetlar, Rob Fisher, Anne Jacobs
It was decided to ask Walt Peterson for help from the Borough to clean up the Barnard Sculpture site -- earth moving, etc.
Anne Jacobs will call the prison to get plants for the planters along the creek.
We will ask the Borough's mower to keep out of the planters. He has mowed down some annuals.
Discussion centered on the Garver Fund at the Elks and the lack of knowledge of when and how much they will give us.
It was decided to clean up and flatten out the catch basin area and fix that area first. We will use our money, whatever we have, to get started. Frankie Sciabica will be o.k'd to do the work with the proviso that he be on a schedule or be fired.
The benches were misplaced when no one on the committee could be reached. So, we will move some to the play area on a work weekend. And we will move those scheduled for the Sculpture Garden, but placed in the main park, when the garden is ready for them.
We will save $500 from the existing funds (Approx $1,900) for the plaques, but we will begin to spend the rest on cleanup.
True and Peter shall coordinate a mailing to businesses to sponsor the Walking Tour Map and use it as a fund raiser.
Melady and Peter will be sending out a letter for large donors.
A long discussion took place about the parking problem at the park. We oppose parking on the mill race cap and have decided to write a letter to Council or the Authority. The last parking study had some ideas not explored -- private businesses can put in meters, or the Borough can condemn land and put in meters.
We decided Rob Fisher would talk to Jerry Wiser about Ray and Derik donating their lot.