Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
October 12, 1988
Members and Guests Present: Rob Gannon, Rob Fisher and True Fisher (Co-President), Melady Kehm, Joe Vasey, Judith Schardt, Graig Fisher, Royce Venay (Treasurer), Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Tracey Benson, Claire Kimmel, Kevin and Carol Burke (Secretaries)
1. The minutes were approved without change.
2. Treasurer’s Report:
Current balances: savings $2081.83
Checking 564.95
3. Royce Venay was congratulated on a superlative job as treasurer and all BHCA members expressed regret at his impending departure from the Centre County area. The Burkes, True Fisher and Anne Jacobs were complimented on their respective roles as BHCA officers this past year.
4. Joyce Hagen's Report
A. The Gallery Opening notification for the Bob Lima/Diedre McCullough Greenwald show has been mailed.
B. Reported on various projects announced at the Community Round Table Committee Meeting she attended.
-Retired Seniors Volunteer Program sponsoring a bake sale at Nittany Mall and a project to help children improve their reading skills.
-Centre Community Hospital Auxiliary sponsoring a breakfast with Santa 12/10/88.
-Jaycees sponsoring a Halloween Party 10/28/88 at the YMCA and a genealogical workshop at the library 10/29/88.
C. Reported that Mellon Bank is unable to help underwrite the Gamble Mill Gallery Shows, but would consider a donation to BHCA.
D. Reported that the Centre Daily Times agreed to contribute to BHCA for 1989.
E. Reported a "commission" check for $157 from Keith Nelson from twp sales at his Gamble Mill show. Joyce also announced that more money from other Gamble Mill shows would be forthcoming.
F. Suggested that BHCA join the Pennsylvania Local Arts Network, an organization to help with various aspects of community group functioning, fundraising, etc.
G. Noted that the National Endowment for the Arts was soliciting nominations for an outstanding artist and/or patron of the arts. There was a proposal to consider Rob Fisher for the award.
H. Noted that BHCA will be asking for a $4500 local government grant for the upcoming year, which, with the matching borough funds, makes possible a total of $9000.
G. Reported that the commissioners will send BHCA an application for a grant to put plaques on historical Bellefonte buildings. It was agreed that we should request $250 for each plaque to cover all costs.
H. Reported that the Gamble Mill Gallery committee will be meeting in mid-November to review artists who are candidates for future shows.
I. Reported that the Pa. Council of the Arts has accepted the BHCA proposal and offered $1000 for a consultant to advise BHCA with respect to organizational problems, fund raising, etc. Nov 9th and 16th were suggested as possibilities.
1. Royce Venay moved to increase the BHCA dues from $5/year to $10/year. After general discussion, the motion was seconded and approved by the members.
2. Malady Kehm proposed the possibility of a "Designer's Showcase", a display of various designers' talents in a home, as a BHCA fundraiser. The idea will be considered at a later date.
3. True Fisher noted the PPA would continue to contribute to Joyce Hagen's salary, but that otherwise PPA would be considered a completely separate organization from EHCA.
4. Concert Committee- Notices for the upcoming concert have been mailed.
5. Library Support Committee- Helen Bechdel reported that there is a Friends of the Library Organization being started to promote the Bellefonte Library. True Fisher, Kevin and Carol Burke attended the first meeting of that group. The next meeting is scheduled for 11/ 3.
6. Plaque Committee- Reported that $50 was received for a plaque for the Walter Trainer House in State College, owned by Evan Hunter. Rob Gannon reported that he had acquired a plaque for the Gate House and that the law firm of Lee, Martin, Green and Reiter has ordered a plaque for their office at 115 E. High Street.
6. Kevin Burke announced the Nominating Committee’s proposed slate of officers for 1989. The following nominees were approved by the EHCA members:
President- True Fisher
Vice President- Helen Bechdel
Secretary- Peter Schneeman
Treasurer- Joan Blasko
7. Judith Schardt and Joe Vasey agreed to be on a committee to organize a film series for BHCA.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol and Kevin Burke