Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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February 10,


Members present: Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Claire Kimmel, Tracey Benson, Royce Veney (Treasurer), True Fisher (Co-president), Rob Fisher, Helen Bechdel, Jim and Gay Dunne, Peter Schneeman, Anne Jacobs (Co-president), Kevin and Carol Burke (Co-secretaries), Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm.  Guest: Pam Smith researching BHCA for a project on Community Groups


The minutes from the last meeting were approved without change.




1. Treasurer's Report- Royce Veney reported expenses amounting to $1453.68.  Taking into account transfers from savings account and commission from the Gamble Mill Gallery shows, this leaves a checking account balance of $553.15. The ­savings account balance stands at $2420.58, resulting in current total ERCA assets of $2973.73.


2. Round Table Discussion- Kevin and Carol Burke reported on their participation in the recent round table discussion sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. It has been proposed that these meetings be quarterly, functioning as a forum to coordinate activities among the various civic organizations in Bellefonte.


3. Gamble Mill Gallery- Anne Jacobs reported commissions of $228 from the Grebos-­Lindsay show. Commissions from the Becky Mast show amounted to $67. True Fisher noted that poet Bob Lima is interested in presenting poems from his book of Celtic poetry at an upcoming Gamble Mill opening. This possibility will be discussed by the subcommittee members.


4.  Sunday Concerts- Jim and Gay Dunne reported that there is a full and exciting program for the remainder of this year.


5.  Summer Sounds- Melady Kehm reported that other non-profit groups will be allowed to borrow BHCA sound system equipment for their projects. Tracey Benson reported that it does not appear that BHCA qualifies for a waiver of the ASCAP fee and will have to pay $15 per concert.


6.  Historic Plaques- Rob Gannon noted there has been limited interest in the plaques thus far. Several BHCA members reaffirmed their intent to buy a plaque.


7. BHCA Bylaws- Claire Kimmel agreed to review and revise the BHCA bylaws.


8. Grants- The County Commissioners refused the BHCA request of a $250 grant. The Garver Fund approved $500 of the requested $2500.




1. Miscellaneous announcements from Joyce Hagen

A. The membership letter will be sent out by February 15­.

B. We will not be submitting a nomination for the Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities.  

C. The local government grant will be followed up by Joyce Hagen.

D. Joyce Hagen has been actively involved in efforts to research ways to obtain more grants for BHCA.

E. Bill Daniels will be speaking to all interested BHCA members on the topic of how to obtain grants on February 25 at 3:OO PM at the Gamble Mill.


2. Melady Kehm initiated a general discussion concerning how BHCA should attempt to coordinate some educational programs with HBI to promote an appreciation of the architectural preservation of Bellefonte sponsored by both groups.


3. Rob Gannon noted that a BHCA grant application for Victorian books for the Library was denied.


4. Dues for 1988 were collected.


5. Anne Jacobs initiated a general discussion concerning problem with continued funding of the Arts Coordinator position. It does not appear that BHCA will be able to retain an Arts Coordinator in a full time capacity. Anne Jacobs will talk to Joyce Hagen about either reducing the hours or terminating the position.


Respectfully submitted,

Carol and Kevin Burke