Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
MINUTES May 2, 1988
Members present: Helen Bechdel, Royce Venay (Treasurer), Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), True Fisher (Co-president), Anne Jacobs (Co-president), Kevin and Carol Burke (co-secretaries), Peter Schneeman, Melady Kehm, Jim and Gay Dunne, Rob Gannon. Guest: Elisabeth DeAngelo-Tucker
1. Treasurer's Report- Current balances are:
Checking account - $520.43
Savings account - $2512.39
2. Fund Raising- Joyce Hagen reported that money continues to accrue in response to the membership solicitation sent out several months ago. So far, there have been 65 responses totaling $1030. Range of contributions - $5 to $50. The letters to local businesses are ready to go and will be sent out shortly.
3. Committee Reports
A. Summer Sounds- Melady Kehm reported that she is attempting to arrange for our local high school band to kick off the Summer Sounds series as has been traditional. PPA may agree to perform selections from 'Some Enchanted Evening' later in the season. It appears that the $15 ASCAP fee must be paid in advance of each concert.
B. Library Concerts- Jim Dunne passed around the program for the upcoming May 8th concert at the library. Elisabeth DeAngelo-Tucker tentatively volunteered to substitute for the Dunnes as moderator for the concert as our usual hosts wi11 not be able to attend.
C. Gamble Mill Gallery- Anne Jacobs reported the receipt of local grant money of $1250. She also reiterated that June, 1988 will be her last show as the coordinator of the series. Elisabeth DeAngelo-Tucker expressed interest in possibly taking on the responsibility of making arrangements for future openings. Also, the Gallery lights hopefully will be installed by the beginning of June.
D. Plaque Committee- Rob Gannon announced that the first four historical plaques have been engraved and will be delivered shortly.
1. There have been several people who have expressed interest in becoming more active in BHCA. Group members will be contacting these individuals to encourage their participation:
Melady Kehm will contact Pat and Cindy Dunklebarger and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Murphy, Jr.
Gay Dunne will contact Marie Price
Jim Dunne will contact Richard Schein
Joyce Hagen will contact Alan Hoffman
Anne Jacobs will contact Barb Paden
2. Joyce Hagen's Report
A. An application for a new grant from the Pennsylvania Council for the Arts has been submitted.
B. Carol Burke has sent out individual thank you notes to the major contributors who had responded to the recent fund raising letter. It was decided that cards would be provided at the time of the next meeting and that all BHCA members would participate in writing thank you notes to the remaining contributors.
C. A public ceremony will be held on May 3, 1988 at 10:00 AM in the Commissioners' Office to present the woodcut prints executed by Mary K. Rubinstein for the courthouse.
D. Grant money that was allocated but not used by other organizations or individuals should be returned to BHCA.
E. The following grants have been approved:
Library- $100 for concerts and $900 for restoration of paintings.
PPA- $1000 for fall production of "Our Town".
Gallery- $1250 for "ongoing activities".
Harriet Rosenberg- $185 for papercutting workshops.
BACF- $200 for street performers.
Central Interneed Unit- $200 for the development of materials for tours for children.
Melady Kehm commented that this was a "nice range of grants". Joyce Hagen also noted that she attended the Community Round Table Meeting and reiterated BHCA activities and projects. Important dates announced at that meeting include:
June 4- The Children's Fair
June 18 - Father's Day activities in the park
June 25 - Kiwanis blood testing
December 7 and following weekend - Victorian Christmas
Various announcements from Joyce Hagen:
a. There is a July 15 deadline for the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation Visual Arts Residency Program Grant application.
b. There is a potential grant for 'design' through the National Endowment for the Arts.
c. Victorian Christmas has again proposed doing "A Christmas Carol" as part of their holiday program. Hopefully, Tony Lentz can perform some other reading for a BHCA sponsored Christmas event.
d. Bill Daniels suggests that we could apply for a “Technical Assistance” Grant to have an expert come and discuss fund raising, grant applications, etc.
e. Joyce Hagen suggested the ideas of a Library Concert Patron Program and/or the initiation of a film series as potential fund raisers for BHCA.
3. True Fisher volunteered to gather information about the "Friends of the Library" and report back at the next meeting.
4. True Fisher reported that you need a financial audit to apply for a number of grants. As this is a costly procedure, BHCA members decided a formal audit would not be done. '
5. There is a potential grant of $300 for CPAC, possibly to be used for a multimedia presentation. A motion for BHCA to join CPAC was approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol & Kevin Burke