Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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June 20, 1988


Members and Guests Present: True Fisher (Co-president), Rob Fisher, Peter Schneeman, Helen Bechdel, Kevin and Carol Burke (Co-secretaries), Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Betty Jane Nichols, John and Elizabeth Tucker, Marie Price, Jim Dunne, Royce Venay (Treasurer), Pat Dunklebarger, Joan Blasko, Rob Gannon, Barbara Paden




1. Joyce Hagen’s Report

A. The fund raising drive has netted $1630 (a total of $500 through 7 business contributions, the rest in personal contributions). It was decided that BHCA members would contact businesses who have yet to respond in order to increase the number of contributions.

B. Thank you note cards to remaining individual contributors were distributed and completed.

C. Dues for CPAC were submitted. BHCA events can now be publicized through the CPAC newsletter.

D. A grant for a “multimedia event" for the Gamble Mill Gallery is still available.

E. A grant proposal ($1000) for Technical Assistance funds was submitted to the Pennsylvania Council of Arts.

F. BHCA will be listed in The Performing Arts Presenter Directory.

G. Joyce Hagen noted that she had received information concerning a BHCA sponsored film series; Elisabeth DeAngelo-Tucker volunteered to peruse these materials.

H. A booklet from the National Endowment for the Arts was received concerning available grants.

I. There is the possibility of obtaining funding from Mellon Bank to help underwrite certain BHCA projects. Joyce Hagen is investigating this interest as well as other private corporations who have pressed interest in funding events (i.e. a special fall library concert, the summer concert series).


2. Treasurer's Report: After expenses for the quarter, BHCA assets include:

              Checking Account -    $475.31

              Savings Account -   $3,033.21




1. Royce Venay suggested solicitation of advertisements from local businesses, interspersed with articles of cultural and historical interest, to compile a Christmas Journal as a means of raising further funds for BHCA. A lively discussion ensued concerning the pros and cons of this idea. Royce Venay agreed to further investigate the feasibility of such a project and to report back at the next meeting.


2. Plaque Committee- Rob Gannon announced that four historical plaques have been sold. Because of continued complaints concerning the difficulty of fulfilling authentication requirements, each request will be taken on a case by case basis to determine if appropriate documentation exists.


3. Rob Fisher reported that the Gamble Mill Gallery track lights have been installed and noted that Whitehill Lighting provided materials at coat ($400).  There is an understanding with the Gamble Mill that the lighting fixtures belong to BHCA.


4. Gamble Mill Gallery- True Fisher reported that Elizabeth DeAngelo-Tucker and Sonna McDevitt have agreed to be co-chairpersons of this committee. Apparently, shows have been arranged through May of 1989. It was suggested that there be a more formal screening of future art work after that date. Joan Blasko agreed to join Elizabeth DeAnge1o-Tucker and Sonna McDevitt to assess the work of those artists who request a Gamble Mill show.


5. Library Concert Series- Jim Dunne noted that the program for the ongoing series is complete for the upcoming season. He announced an October fund raising concert featuring several local musical ensembles and suggested that there may be a grant to help fund this project.


6. Summer Park Concert Series- Rob Gannon reported that the first summer concert was a success with respect to attendance and donations ($70).


7. Friends of the Library- True Fisher reported that the Friends of the Library was once a formal organization but had disbanded. Helen Bechdel agreed to investigate the possibility of reestablishing such a group.


8. Miscellaneous- Barbara Paden suggested the idea of 'multimedia presentations’ sponsored by BHCA that would incorporate the talents of various local artists. Jim Dunne will-organize a group to further explore the feasibility of this proposal.


Respectfully submitted.

Kevin and Carol Burke