Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
August 11, 1988
Members and guests present: Peter Schneeman, Kevin and Carol Burke (Secretaries), Joan Blasko, True Fisher (Co-President), Rob Gannon, Royce Venay (Treasurer), Tracey Benson, Claire Kimmel, Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Barbara Paden and Sam Rounds
1. The minutes were approved without amendment.
2. Treasurer’s report: Royce Venay noted that BHCA financial holdings include a checkintg account balance of $477.33 and a savings account balance of $3,223.53. He commended Melady Kehm for the fine profit from this year's Talleyrand concert series.
3. Joyce Hagen's Report
A. Follow up fund raising calls to businesses netted $45. It was decided that further follow-up calls would not be made.
B. Tony Lentz has three open dates for a possible Christmas reading this year. It was decided to table the idea for a BHCA sponsored reading this holiday.
C. The Gallery Committee has drafted a list of criteria for future exhibitors. These proposed guidelines were approved by voting BHCA members. It was announced that there are exhibits scheduled through March, 1989. Susan Gephart will be supervising the hangings for future shows. Joan Blasko and Anne Stevens will be working on the design for a sign at The Gamble Mill to advertise the shows. Bob Lima arid Diedra Greenwald will put on their multimedia presentation at The Gamble Mill in October. Peter Schneeman will help Joyce Hagen with the Mellon Bank grant proposal to fund Gamble Mill shows in the future.
D. A $450 matching grant from the Pennsylvania Council of the Arts to underwrite mailing and fund raising costs was approved.
E. A $1000 grant from The Pennsylvania Council of the Arts to partially fund the Arts Coordinator’s salary was approved.
F. The Bellefonte Light Opera Co. returned $400 of BHCA monies that they had not used and Victorian Christmas $335 that they did not use. Corene Johnston returned an unused $100.
1. Bylaws Report: Claire Kimmel suggested that there are no major inconsistencies in the BHCA bylaws. There was some concern about the fact that the bylaws do mandate a BHCA board of directors which does not exist at this time. Invitation to welcome PPA as Official members of BHCA was approved. Claire Kimmel, True Fisher, and PPA will meet to discuss the legalities of the relationship.
2. Plaque Committee: Rob Gannon reported that a plaque for a State College resident has been approved, and there have been several other inquiries about plaques.
3. Summer Sounds Concerts: Expenses of $353 and income of $407.73 resulted in a profit of $57.73.
4. Miscellaneous Reports: Royce Venay gave details about his idea for a Christmas journal fund raiser. Although all agreed that the proposal has merit, certain problems, most prominently the difficulty of obtaining advertisement dollars from local merchants already 'overtaxed' during the Christmas season, resulted in the idea being set aside for now.
5. A nominating committee of Gay Dunne, True Fisher and Kevin and Carol Burke will propose a new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
Respectfully submitted,
Carol and Kevin Burke