Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
1 February 1989
Present: Helen Bechdel (Vice-president), Joan Blasko (Treasurer), Carol and Kevin Burke, Craig Fisher, True Fisher (President), Rob Gannon, Joyce Hagen (Arts Coordinator), Melady Kehm, Judith Schardt, Peter Schneeman (Secretary), and Royce Venay.
1. True Fisher, President, in the absence of Joan Blasko (who was delayed), delivered a "rough" treasurer's report:
Checking account: $1605.50
Savings account: $3109.58
2. True announced that 4 persons had sent in new memberships.
3. True announced that Joyce Hagen, having taken a full-time position at Village Crafts, is leaving as Arts Coordinator. General appreciation was expressed for Joyce's work as Coordinator, including giving the position such clear definition. Although two interviews of prospective Arts Coordinators had been conducted, no one has yet been hired for the position. The committee will meet to review new applications.
4. Arts Coordinator report.
a. Joyce annouced that, despite a well worked-on proposal, Mellon Bank contributed only $50, but that the Centre Daily Times has contributed $500. Business contributions for 1988 totaled $1095; individual contributions totaled $1180; making a grand total of $2275. In this context, there was some discussion of what form the next fundraising letter should take, and to whom it should be sent.
b. Gallery.
(1) About $25 in commissions had come in from the Lima/Grunewald exhibit.
(2) Six exhibits and openings have been scheduled so far: March 18 - May 12: Betty Ayars Melville and Philip Sauerlender. Reception, March 21.
May 13 - June 23: Laveta Piemme and Kathleen Fox Ragusea. Reception, May 16.
June 24 - August 3: Jean Kizina and Soon Hahn. Reception, June 27
August 5 - September 15: Susan Nicholas Gephart and Thomas Nicholas Jr. Reception, August 8.
c. Joyce attended the previous week's meeting of the Community Round Table.
d. BHCA has been asked to (re)join the Chamber of Commerce; everyone agreed that this should be done. The Talleyrand Park Committee would also rejoin, since it seemed apparent that its membership had lapsed.
e. The Borough has been awarded another Local Arts Grant (written and administered by BHCA) for $3500. $4500 had been requested. Deadlines for applications, etc., will be set.
f. On March 3, the PA Heritage Affairs Commission and the PA Council on the Arts will be holding a workshop at Village Crafts on funding for the traditional arts.
g. The PA Local Arts Network, formerly in Somerset, is now in Harrisburg, and offers a one-year complimentary membership. All agreed that BHCA should join for one year in order to assess its value for us.
h. The Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation should be monitored for money to support BHCA projects since it seems a very viable source of funding.
i. A library concert (Arthur Goldstein and Julian Thayer) is scheduled for February 19.
5. Film Series. Judith Schardt summarized the discussions she and Joe Vasey have had on a possible film series to be sponsored by BHCA, and the various options were then discussed by members present. This included such things as timing (how frequently the films might be shown, e.g. weekly, bi-weekly, monthly); possible admission charges ($2.50/film?); place (the Gamble Mill? Talleyrand Park in the summer?), but nothing definite was decided. Judith and Joe will continue to evaluate the possibilities.
6. Plaques. Rob Gannon announced that two more plaques had been sold: one to himself for the Gatehouse, and one to the law firm of Lee, Martin et al. He also said he'd "cooled off" on the project because of the disappointing response. Several persons thought that it oughtn't to be dropped, and that possibly phone follow-up to likely prospects might be useful. Craig Fisher volunteered to help with this. Royce Venay suggested that local service and volunteer organizations might also be a useful channel for making people more aware of the availability of the plaques.
7. Summer Sounds. Melady Kehm described her procedure for coordinating Summer Sounds in the Park, and said she will work with her past committee again this year. She announced that the Elks Club Garver Fund has contributed $1200 in support of the project for this coming year.
8. Mini-retreat. Peter Schneeman reviewed item 6 of the 16 November 1988 Minutes, concerning commitments made by persons in regard to specific projects and responsibilities.
9. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.