Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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31 May 1989


Present: Helen Bechdel (Vice-president), Gay and Jim Dunne, Rob Fisher and True Fisher (President), Joyce Hagen, Debbie Ingram (Arts Coordinator), Judith Schardt, and Peter Schneeman (Secretary).


1. The Minutes of 19 April were approved as written, at least for factual accuracy if not stylistic felicity, since Helen Bechdel objected --in a schoolteacherish sort of way*-- to the use of "basically" in item 11.


*Your Secretary, inspired by the new Centre Democrat, has learned how to deal with people who step out of line. (He had even considered writing that Helen Bechdel chirped in a schoolteacherish sort of way.)


2. True Fisher reported that the Elks' Garver Fund awarded $1200 to support the Summer Sounds at the Gazebo for this year.


3. The treasurer's report was unavailable.


4. Debbie Ingram reported that May had not been a busy month for the Arts Coordinator. Publicity was in motion for the upcoming Gallery opening featuring Soon Hahn and Jeanne Kizina. Results of our grant applications to the PCA should be available by about 15 June.


5. Rob Fisher remarked that, with the recent change of significant personnel at the PCA, Bellefonte's heretofore favorable position may not be so strong; it's "anyone's guess as to what's going to happen."


6. There was a brief discussion of Lyme's Disease and the eastern Pennsylvania counties.


7.  Peter Schneeman reported on the results of the Local Arts Grant Review Committee decisions. He described the temporary delay in the distribution of the awards due to a possible misunderstanding between the Review Committee and Borough Council. Since the PCA grant this year was for $3500, and not the $4500 requested, Walt Peterson wanted to make certain that Council still intended the full $4500 allocated to be dspersed.  After some discussion, it was agreed that members of the BHCA would contact specific members of council in order to lobby for the full $4500.


8. Judith Schardt reported that she and Joe Vasey hadn't had a chance to meet again about the proposed film series. Rob Fisher suggested that the work of local film makers might make a good theme for one or more

evenings, or one or two such films might be shown along with a feature. Student films might also provide the fare for an evening.


9.  Jim Dunne reported that so far four persons had been tentatively lined up for the Sunday Afternoon at the Library series for the coming season.


10. In the absence of Melady Kehm, Judith Schardt reported that most or all of the groups for the Summer Sounds at the Gazebo had been lined up. It was suggested that a flyer be sent out listing all the dates, especially since there was money in the Garver Fund grant specifically for this purpose. If possible, it was also suggested that this schedule be sent out with the fundraising letter. Somehow, in this unlikely context, it was also pointed out, rather churlishly, that Peter Schneeman hadn't gotten the Minutes out on time again.


11. Do's and Don't's for the fundraising letter were discussed, and it was finally agreed that Helen Bechdel and True Fisher would take suggestions, confer, agree on the finished product, and send it out.


12. Joyce Hagen mentioned that Mary Cady Rubenstein has had prints of woodcuts, originally done for the Courthouse and funded by the Local Government Arts grant, displayed in an important exhibition in Harrisburg. Peter Schneeman suggested that this might be put into the "Good Morning" column of the CDT for public relations purposes. Debbie will do this, in conjunction with the mailing of the fundraising letter.


13. Joyce also reported that all of the information for prospective artists at the Gamble Mill Gallery has been revised and is ready to go out. She asked for names of possible artists; a meeting of the committee will be set for June.


14. True reported that there is still about $200 left in the "Ed Garcia Grant," and asked for suggestions of how to use it effectively. Her own suggestion of doing a retreat at the Glen Union farm was met with enthusiasm. Debbie Ingram will check the dates of the grant to determine when the final report is due, and True will contact Lurene Frantz to sound her out on the possibility of conducting the retreat. It was also suggested that the next regular meeting could in fact be the follow-up retreat. Joyce Hagen also mentioned the possibility of joining with the Art Alliance for a follow-up evaluation by Ed Garcia.


15. True announced that Claire Kimmel will have her suggested revisions of the by-laws later.


16. True, Melady Kehm and Gay Dunne will be meeting to discuss the fund­raising letter to be sent to businesses.


17. The date and time of the next meeting will be set later.


18. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Peter Schneeman
