Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Friday, September 29, 1989 at Anne Jacob's
Attending were True Fisher (President) and Rob
Fisher, Peter Schneeman (Secretary), Anne and Rick Jacobs, Stephen Beckerman
and Hope Boylston, Dale Orndorf, George Dempsie, Carol and Kevin Burke, Melady
Kehm, Rob Gannon, Helen Bechdel (Vice-president), Candy Dannaker, Joan Blasko
(Treasurer), Joe Vasey, Judith Schardt
A review of the activities of the group was conducted by True Fisher to acquaint the visitors with BHCA members and their interests.
Candy Dannaker presented an idea for a new direction for BHCA which was well received. She would like to focus on historic preservation by starting a revolving loan fund to need homeowners in the Historic District. BHCA could serve as the parent organization for this committee. It was noted that we are already in existence, have a track record for receiving grants and have been discussing the idea of doing something in the "Historical" field anyway. She was given the names of interested members and visitors and asked to research the project, finding out where such programs have been successful, how to structure such a loan, etc. She will report back at the next meeting or when she and the committee have something to share.
True Fisher reported that there are approximately 20 craftsmen signed up for the Victorian Christmas Arts and Crafts fair. We need approximately 10 more. More on this at the next meeting.
Joe Vasey reported that he and Judith Schardt met and have scheduled the Gamble Mill for the first three Wednesday nights in November for the beginning of the film series. It was noted that Don LeMaire volunteered to help this committee and one of them will get in touch with him about art work for posters, etc.
After the pot luck dinner was served, the meeting reconvened. It was decided to accept Debbie Ingram's resignation. True Fisher will take the Arts Coordinator position until Spring when it will be reviewed again.
Carol and Kevin Burke volunteered to be chairmen of the fundraising
event to be held at their house sometime this winter. Anne Jacobs volunteered to get the champagne. True Fisher will contact a harpist, Elizabeth Etters, who has indicated an interest in playing for us. She will try to have dates available by the next meeting.
Thank you notes were written to persons who responded to our fundraising letter. Helen Bechdel and True Fisher will be getting out the Business letter soon.