Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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July 26, 1991


Attending:  Helen Bechdel (President), Joan Blasko (Arts Coordinator), Joanne Tosti-Vasey (Secretary), Joe Vasey, Nancy Perkins, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-president), Dave Trost, Sarah Trost, Romayne Naylor, Peter Schneeman, and Rosie the Dog.

The meeting was called to order at the Trost's home by Melady Kehm at 8:00 p.m.-- a meeting that almost started "on time."

There were no corrections to the minutes. The only comment regarding the minutes was that the fanfold paper is "nice."

The Treasurer's Report was delivered to Joanne and Joe on September 8 for July. Note that the June balances from the June minutes did NOT match the June balances given to us by Judith Schardt. However if the heading of "Previous" and "Current" were switched on the report that was given to us, then the numbers do match. Therefore, this switch has been made for this report.


Treasurer's Report




















Summer Sounds










Arts Coordinator




Gamble Mill - printing



Summer Sounds



Post Office Box (oper-



ating expense)

Special Project




Pheeron Aklaff



Scott Robinson










Joan Blasko then gave her Arts Coordinator report:

   There will be a new exhibit at the Gamble Mill starting on August 23. The opening is September 5 (oops! you missed it since I'm typing this on September 8). Joan is trying to get information and pictures on the artists and there work so that they can be submitted to the Keystone Gazette for an article.

   The Jury Committee for the Mill will meet at the end of August to consider exhibits for the next 6 months. New members are needed for this committee; call Joan if you're interested, even though you missed your chance for saying something about the next 6 months.

   A hanging system has finally been found that looks promising. The Mill is happy with it. It now needs to be installed.

   Lee Melandor has finished the play regarding the history of theater in Bellefonte. It will be presented during the Bellefonte Arts and Crafts Festival at the Garman Opera House on August 16 (7 p.m) and August 17 (2 p.m. and 7 p.m.). Joan needed help with chair set up and take down, lighting, and ushers; a piano was also needed. Anyone who helped was supposed to have called Helen or Joan. Tickets are/were free. A wine and cheese party has been scheduled for Lee Melander on August 16 at Candy Dannaker's house.

Short interlude to play ball off the deck with Rosie.

   Related to the Garman Opera House production, Pat Casher wants to meet with Joan and Peter regarding wiring, crews, setup, insurance, etc. Lee Melander is producer but isn't in Bellefonte right now to take care of these arrangements. Helen (who finally arrived) wondered if BHCA should commit to these things without Lee's presence.

      Dave Trost then gave the Summer Sounds report. Things look like they're going pretty well. The Earth Tones backed out the week of their show (money, equipment), but Dave and Melady were able to get Jerry Zolton and Diane McDaniel as a replacement doing Gospel music. Money-wise, Dave said that things look like they're breaking even, or maybe, or a little better. However, the Treasurer's Report shows a $208.98 deficit. Since Summer Sounds was not completed by this meeting, these numbers will change and Dave may have his prediction proven.

According to Peter Schneeman, the Local Government Grants Review Committee will (did?) meet the following Tuesday to make decisions. There were not very many applicants. Joyce Hagan is replacing Joan Blasko. The monies for these grants are filtered through the Borough by the PA Council of the Arts.

     Joan then returned to the topic of finances. She expressed a desire for a more formal budget procedure, so that expenses, grant requests, etc. could be better planned. Melady raised True Fisher's concern (in her absence, of course!) that this might limit our flexibility. Projected budgets would probably be needed before the end of the year so that an overall projected budget would be in place at the beginning of the year. Nancy Perkins and Sarah Trost both pointed out that the more businesslike a group is the better the chances of being funded. Therefore a budget committee was formed to develop budget guidelines. This committee consists of Nancy, Sarah, and Judith.  Dave motioned that committee budget for 1992 be submitted to Joan Blasko by November 15, 1991. This was seconded and approved.

Joan then brought up a concern about publicity. Arts, in general, are not well covered in the local print media. Romayne Naylor pointed out the what gets used and how depends on available space which, in turn, depends on advertising, which ultimately determines the size of the paper. Nothing resolved.

A call for committee members was then made. The following was decided:

  Nominating Committee -- Helen Bechdel, Melady Kehm, and, possible True Fisher

• Gamble Mill Gallery Committee -- Susan Gephardt, Joyce Hagan, Sonja Somebody, the Ruby's (new people on Howard Street), Sarah Trost, and Romayne Naylor. More people are still needed.

  Fund-Raising Campaign and Letter Writing Committee -- Helen will ask Kevin Burke to head it. I guess he's a sole member committee, since no one else's name was mentioned. Anyone else willing to help him out?

·   Plaques - Currently only Rob Gannon. This committee needs to be discussed at the next meeting. A new head and members are needed.

Final discussion then turned to social and hospitality items. Jean Gleason from the Southern Allegheny's Museum and the PA Council of the Arts might be invited to visit BHCA to get to know the organization. The group authorized Helen to pursue this. Helen and Melady then proposed a possible tour of Williamsport accompanied by dinner at the Peter Herdig House for BHCA. We need an indication of interest. Currently we are unsure of the prices. Transportation will probably be by van or bus.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 13 at the Burke's at 7:30 p.m. which, I guess, actually means sometime between 8 and 8:30 p.m.

The meeting was then adjourned. Rosie then took center stage, which she had been trying to get since the meeting started. A wet, sloppy tennis ball made for one happy dog!



The next BHCA meeting will be held on Friday, September 13, 1991
Place: Kevin and Carol Burke's,
299 West Linn Street, Bellefonte, PA 16823

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Please come!