Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
May 15, 1992
In attendance: Dave Trost (President), Sarah Trost (Arts Coordinator), Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-president), Helen Bechdel, Mary Parmenter, Jim Dunne, Gay Dunne, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Nancy Perkins, Florence Uman, Judith Schardt (Treasurer).
The meeting was held at the David and Sarah Trost home. President Dave Trost called the meeting to order at 8:03 P.M.
Minutes of the April 24th meeting were approved as read, although Rob Gannon, who had trouble reading them, requested that the secretary use a larger size font. Dave introduced Florence Uman, a new member from Zion. There was no old business.
Treasurer's Report: (Judith Schardt) Feb. 29 – March 31, 1992
Current: March 31, 1992
CD $3,000.00
Savings 5,749.71
Checking 432.31
Film series gran $1000.00
Donations 110.00
Library conc 20.00
Arts Coordinator $ 528.00
Gamble Mill Gallery 194.83
Film Forum 1100.00
General 8.92
Arts Coordinator Report: (Sarah Trost)
Sarah attended a conference of the Pennsylvania Arts Coalition on May 3, 4, and 5 in Harrisburg. Lurene Frantz covered the cost of $105.00. Sarah distributed copies of her report and spoke enthusiastically of new ideas for organization and fundraising. Since her report was detailed and specific regarding local follow-up, it will not be summarized in the minutes. Members who did not receive a copy should request one from Sarah or Dave.
Word was received from Jim Hoy that the Garver Fund will award BHCA $1,000 which must be used for Summer Sounds.
Gay Dunne reported that the block grant received from the state amounts to $7,750, half of which will go to the library. The local government grants committee will meet to distribute these funds.
Rob Gannon discussed distribution of the booklet which the Borough published on historic preservation and the proposed expanded historic district. Alex said that he was not able to pick up copies for neighbors. Discussion centered on whether members might hand deliver copies to residents. A show of hands indicated that most members were willing to do this. It was suggested that someone ask Bonnie Leathers whether this plan was feasible.
Film Forum: Joe and Judith have not met since last meeting. They will set up a meeting with Documentary Resource group for next year..
Summer Sounds: Dave says they are set up and ready to go. Melady reported that some groups are charging more, but that the increase would be covered by donations. She suggested that next year we might increase the budget to $125 per group. Rob asked that he receive a copy of the program so he could get it on C-NET. Melady wondered if WBLF might broadcast the concerts. Nancy suggested a poster for shop windows listing dates. Dave will call Mary Addis and report.
Victorian Christmas: Alex was to go to this meeting, but it was cancelled because of apathy. It was rescheduled, but he missed it. The Gala Committee was to get together after the general meeting. There was some discussion about the shortened celebration, which might be weekend rather than weeklong. Decision on the night for the Gala was tabled till the next meeting. Nancy Perkins will pursue the ceramic cookie cutter/cookie mold project with a woman in Mifflinburg and report. Florence suggested that the Art Alliance might produce a ceramic Christmas ornament. Nancy is leaving but is keeping her old phone. Her show (of Anna Keichline's work) will be August 9 at the Brockerhoff from 2-9. Music, hors d'oeuvres, punch (like Nancy, real class). The exhibit will become a permanent display with gallery hours of 12 to 4 from Tuesday to Saturday.
Library Concerts: The last concert of the season, Victorian Brass, is scheduled for May 31. Jim Dunne has not heard from Jules on the jazz concert using the Opera House space. The Bellefonte Musical Theatre people picked up our mailing list but may be looking at HBI as their conduit.
Cemetery Rubbings: Melady reported that Sonna McDevitt's group wants to control the amount of rubbing. It must be done with the right materials. We could get together and learn how to do it and finished rubbings could be sold at Victorian Christmas.
Announcements: Sunday is Fish Day. HBI will donate a percentage of the proceeds to a trust fund for helping people restore their homes.
Next Meeting: Scheduled at the Dunne's on the 26th of June at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37.