Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes March 19, 1993
Present: Alex Dyakiw (Treasurer) and Ellen Dyakiw; Sarah Trost (Arts Coordinator) and Dave Trost (President); Romayne Naylor (Secretary); Kevin and LeeShaun Musick; Porter Versfelt; Candy Dannaker; Mary Parmenter; Helen Bechdel; Rob and True Fisher; Jim and Gay Dunne.
Location: the home of Alex and Ellen Dyakiw
Speaker: Candy Dannaker, candidate for mayor of Bellefonte Borough, said she wants promotion of the town and controlled tourism. The momentum of the Talleyrand Park and Main Street projects must be regained. Alex said committees are working to recruit businesses. Candy pointed out all the blocks must be in place before that can succeed. She sees many creative minds and creative abilities in the community and wants to get those people working together. She is also looking for frames for a photo display downtown. If anyone has any she can use, please call her.
Secretary: The minutes were approved with two corrections. We received $638 in the first week of the Valentine fund raiser, not $635; and the half-page ad for Bellefonte High School's production of Hello Dolly cost $30, not $20.
Treasurer: The financial report was approved as presented. Alex noted we received money for the sale of several of Peter Pepe's works at the Gamble Mill Gallery.
Arts Coordinator: According to Sarah's figures, we've received $1,268 from the Valentine fund raiser. Bellefonte High School sent a thank you for our Hello Dolly ad. Sarah thanked everyone who came to the Gamble Mill Gallery reception. We must continue the good turn out. The next is April 6 for Ann Vanderveldt and Ruth Kempner. Sarah needs committee budgets. This is the last week for writing grants.
Film Forum: Sarah reported for Joe Vasey. Women of Steel was cancelled. The revised schedule is: April 7 - Coal Mining Women and a film to be announced; April 14 - Pennsylvania Journey and discussion with film maker Pierce Lewis; April 21 - My Mother Thought She Was Audrey Hepburn and Medieval Woman; April 28 - Wild Women Don't Have the Blues. Screenings will be at The Bush House because of handicapped accessibility (it is also cheaper than the Elks Club). Screenings are at 8 p.m.
Summer Sounds: Dave reported the Deacons of Dixieland are set for their appearance.
Old House Fair: A tentative date of October 22 at The Bush House has been set. Everybody has assignments to contact speakers and everything is "sailing along." The next committee meeting is 7:30 p.m. April 21 at the Trosts, 223 W. Curtin Street, Bellefonte.
Library Concerts: Jim reported the next is Bella Chorda String Quartet April 18. Soprano Karen Eckenroth will be May 9. He is scheduling next year's concerts. Sarah will be out of town and will do the April 18 concert mailing earlier than usual.
Victorian Christmas: Alex said the Bellefonte Area Jaycees will not coordinate it next year, so Victorian Christmas is still looking for someone to head the project. Meetings are at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month in Centre County Library's John Miller Room. Those wanting to help should attend. Candy holds a children's tea party at Centre Furnace Mansion and she's willing to do it for Victorian Christmas. Her's is different because everything is done by children, even the entertaining.
Conversation turned to publicity. Romayne suggested publicizing events in Where & When and the outlying papers, such as the Clearfield Progress and Lock Haven Express. She said we should also sent event notices to State College the Magazine and Town and Gown and other area publications with a calendar of events. (Secretary's note: There's also Apprise, a Central Pennsylvania lifestyles magazine out of Harrisburg. -- R.)
01d Business: There was none.
New Business: Alex passed information and photos of historical signs for 1-80. As chairman of the committee, he reports they are asking for $2,000 contributions. Bellefonte Borough won't fund Phase I because it is for 1-80. They may be able to get money for Phase II, which is signs on local routes. Rob Gannon and Alex are going to write grant proposals. Phase I will cost approximately $16,000. Funding must be available when PennDOT approves the project. The proposal was submitted in early March. Approval will take 3-4 months. This is a one-time cost. Once the signs are in place, PennDOT will maintain them. Historic Bellefonte Inc. has committed $2,000. Other funding possibilities include Victorian Christmas, Bellefonte Historic Railroad, Garver Fund, Centre County Industrial Development Council and Centre County Board of Realtors. Smaller organizations will be canvassed for the less costly Phase II. Alex would like to have both phases completed in time for Bellefonte's 1995 Bicentennial.
Sarah said we have had $3,000 in CD's for more than three years and $1,200-plus from the Valentine fund raiser, therefore, we have the money. True said to remember we might not get some of our grants. Sarah said we're a not-for-profit organization and sitting on money year after year could be a problem if we are audited. Porter asked, "Are we here to benefit the community?" Ellen added, "And this will benefit the community." Dave said the project could build good community relations. Alex said this could be exploited in the media so people can see the money they donate to us going back into the community. Jim said it is a good idea.
Porter moved and Sarah seconded that we commit $2,000 to Phase I of the Historic Sign Project. The motion passed unanimously.
Bellefonte Music Theatre is having a work party Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. Anyone interested in helping was asked to go.
The next meeting was set for 8 p.m. April 16 at the Fishers.
Rob F. moved and Mary seconded adjournment. The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Romayne B. Naylor, Secretary