Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes, October 29, 1993
Present: Roni and Brian Dennis; Kevin and LeeShaun Musick; Norma and Bill Beck; Peter Schneeman; Peter Powell; Romayne Naylor (Secretary) Alex Dyakiw (Treasurer); Porter Versfelt; Dave Trost (President) and Sarah Trost (Arts Administrator); Candy Dannaker; Rob Gannon and Melady Kehm (Vice-president); Joe Vasey and Joanne TostiVasey; Cheryl and Paul DeCusati; Anne and Rick Jacobs; and True Fisher. Late arrivals were Doug Holt and Rob Fisher.
Secretary: Alex moved and Paul seconded approval of the minutes as submitted. The motion passed.
Treasurer: End of October assets: CDs $3460, savings $7262, checking $1031, total $11,752. Romayne moved and Sarah seconded approval of the treasurer's report as submitted. The motion passed.
Arts Administrator: Sarah reported the Local Government Grants were signed by Borough officials and sent. The end-of-year reports are nearly completed. Grant monies from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts should arrive in March. This year's grant is $1,000; more than last year but less than some previous years.
A new Gamble Mill Gallery exhibit opens Election Day. Members must support this effort by attending the opening reception, especially as several of the regular attendees are involved in the election as candidates, campaign workers, election workers, media volunteers and combinations of all of the above. (Secretary's note: Until I wrote that last sentence I didn't realize how committed our members are to this community. I'm impressed and proud! -- R.)
True read a letter from Steve Heverly, of Centre County Housing and Community Development, in re: handicapped access to the courthouse and prison. We received this letter because federal regulations require informing organizations with historic interests before changing public buildings in historic districts. Brian will relay the letter to the Historic Architecture and Review Board.
Victorian Christmas: True said 30 artists and crafters have paid the $75 fee for the Victorian Arts and Crafts Show. Another artist has committed, and True expects to fill the four remaining tables soon. This year's mix ranges from goat sausages to topiary. Mary Parmenter, Ellen Dyakiw and Alex will host the coffee table again. Rob G., Melady and the Trosts will set up tables Friday night. The Trosts, Musicks, Vaseys, Burkes and Mary volunteered to staff the BHCA table. People are needed after 5 p.m. Sunday for clean up. Rob G. will "push that great big broom" again.
Cheryl reported the Christmas party at The Brockerhoff will immediately follow opening ceremonies. Romayne persuaded Kober's Furniture to provide additional lighting and Alex is getting tables from the Elks. Flutist Diane Gold will provide the music and Bresslers are catering. People are needed for set up and clean up. Tickets, available at the usual locations and at the door, cost $10 per person and $17.50 per couple.
Romayne said ornaments are selling out fast.
Candy reported on Storytelling For All Ages. Sherrin MacKenzie will be at The Brockerhoff, Tony Lentz at Farmer's National Bank and both Bill Mentzell and Leigh Melander at the Linn House.
Melady reported BHCA members will conduct downtown walking tours.
Cheryl reported decorating will be November 21, with a rain date of November 28. Volunteers will meet at the Courthouse at 8 a.m. BiLo is supplying coffee and doughnuts and the Elks are providing lunch. The bows were made by 14 local churches.
The next Victorian Christmas meeting is 7 p.m. November 17 in the John Miller Room at the Centre County Library and Historical Museum. Additional volunteers are welcome. Rob G. asked for a schedule of events for C-Net.
Tiles: Alex said almond tiles are available and gray tiles have been ordered. Tiles cost $9 unframed and $18 framed. They are available at The Diamond Deli and in the Borough offices.
Old House Fair: Dave reported "the committee is going like a bat out of Hell." Sarah is The Bush House liaison. Sign painter Dave Files told Romayne an across-the-street banner is not a good idea because cold winds make it get brittle and snap apart. He
suggested using three easel-style signs on the Diamond instead. The cost is lower, $382 vs. $475, the signs can be changed for reuse, and he gets the Borough's permission and places the signs. The speakers schedule is nearing completion. Details will be reported when finalized.
Summer Sounds: The committee is in winter hiatus.
Library Concerts: True reported Jim Dunne has one concert left to schedule. The first show at "Adam and Art," the Dunnes' new gallery, will be during Victorian Christmas and an opening reception is scheduled in January.
Film Forum: No report.
Old Business: Romayne gave Dave the new contract forms she wrote and printed for Gamble Mill Gallery artists and Old House Fair speakers.
Good of the Order: Melady read a note from former BHCA member Judith Schardt, now living in Cleveland.
True reminded us that Election Day is November 2 and Rob G. said voting local elections is especially important because those elected will be making decisions about our town. Brian said Key 93, a $500,000 bond issue for the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Department of Environmental Resources and Department of Community Affairs, to fund acquisition and development projects for parks, recreation, museums, historic preservation et cetera, is an important issue because these are the first such monies available since the early 1980s.
True invited everyone to the Courthouse for the election returns. Candy, candidate for mayor, said her victory party will be in the middle of Bellefonte's streets if she wins. (Secretary's note: Candy won by 66 votes, giving Bellefonte, historically a social and political leader, Centre County's first woman mayor. Her victory party was a tasteful private affair at her home --R.)
The next meeting was set for 7:30 p.m. November 19 at the Dyakiws. Adjournment was moved by Alex and seconded by Kevin. The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Romayne B Naylor