Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes January 22, 1993


Present: Rob Gannon; Melady Kehm (Vice-president); Alex Dyakiw (Treasurer) and Ellen Dyakiw; Mary Parmenter; Sarah Trost (Arts Coordinator) and Dave Trost (President); Helen Bechdel; Dave and Betsey Eggler; Gay and Jim Dunne; Joanne Tosti-Vasey; Peter Schneeman and Romayne Naylor (Secretary).

Location: the home of Alex and Ellen Dyakiw


Minutes: Rob moved and Peter seconded that we begin sending postcards for meeting notices and make minutes available at the meetings. The motion passed. Melady said she will not breathe life into the Old House Fair this year, adding, "Maybe someday, but not real soon." The minutes were approved as corrected.


Treasurer: Alex reported the following income for December and January: Arts and Crafts Show, $1,800; tables at the Show, $224; film grant $1,000; State core money, $1,000 and painting sales, $193. The cost of 100 tiles was $665 plus $75 for the drawing, for a total of $740. We have $7,100 in savings, $3,000 in CDs and $570 in checking for a total of $10,670.

The Gamble Mill Tavern is increasing the cost of the Gallery receptions from $100 to $150. The Gallery Committee will discuss this change and report back.

Alex moved that the Arts Coordinator's fee be raised from $264 to $300 per month. It was decided that this should be addressed by the Arts Coordinator Committee and Alex struck his motion.


Arts Coordinator: Sarah reported the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts has approved our Local Government Grant and Bellefonte Borough has approved additional funding. We must now advertise that money is available. Grant applications will be due May 15.

We discussed a Rural Arts Grant. The first year we would receive $15,000 and would have to add $5,000. The second year would be split $10,000 and $10,000. and the third year would be $10,000 and $15,000. Since that is more than our entire operating budget, we dismissed the idea.

Since the fundraising letter is to be sent before Valentine's Day, Romayne suggested it be in the form of a Valentine. The Committee agreed. (Secretary's note: If I may boldly interject something that didn't happen at the meeting into the minutes -- GOOD JOB ON THAT LETTER! -- R.)

Sarah asked President Dave and Treasurer Alex to attend a Gamble Mill Gallery Committee meeting.


Library Concerts: Jim reported the following performances have been scheduled: Simple Gifts, January 31; Victorian Brass, February 28 and Karen Eckenroth, soprano, May 2.


Old House Fair: Dave said, "It's a big question at the moment." He has contacted the Committee and is looking for someone to chair it. Melady said she has some ideas and is willing to work with the Committee, but not lead it. Landscaping and gardening were suggested topics. Dave suggested asking the Chamber of Commerce to include the Fair in their events listings to help promote both the Fair and the town. Melady said both previous Fairs used nationally known experts and lost money. She suggested using local or regional experts to cut costs. She added that Historical and Museum Commission funding is possible if we hold the Fair in the Fall. Sarah said companies such as Benjamin Moore Paints might have lecturers at no or low cost. Dave set a tentative Committee meeting at his house February 9 at 7:30 p.m.


Film Forum: Joe was not present, but Dave reported the funding has been approved and the Forum will be at the Elks.


     Volunteers for the Garman Opera House will meet at St. John's Episcopal Parish Hall at 2:30 p.m. Jan. 31.


Historic District Booklets Revisited: Dave's been delivering them and brought two cases along for us to distribute. He asked volunteers to sign up for a street and take booklets after the meeting. Rob said it is important to get the booklets to homeowners in the expanded Historic District.

Alex announced Historic Bellefonte, Inc. is planning to erect historic district signs along 1-80 and other routes into town. Each sign will cost $3,000-12,000. Alex asked us to get involved financially in the project. Jim said we can make a group donation or individual contributions without hitting the treasury. Discussion ensued. Melady pointed out that it might look like we have a lot of money, but much of it is matching funds that must be distributed and isn't available for spending. She requested a more detailed treasurer's report in the minutes to make this clear. After discussion, Rob suggested we either agree to help raise funds for the project or say we support the project without designating what we'll do. Melady said we are not a funding agency, but if, with new members, we decide to become one, we can. However, she expressed reluctance to do so. Sarah and Alex said they will go over the books to simplify them.


Discussion moved on to the Gamble Mill Gallery. Rob said we need to get more people to come to the openings. He suggested specifically inviting Borough Council members and service clubs. Sarah said maybe we can do that for the next community show, adding that openings are not always listed in the Centre Daily Times even though they are sent regularly.


Gay moved and Sarah seconded adjournment.


Next Meeting: 8 p.m. February 19, 1993 at Helen Bechdel's, 349 E. Curtin Street.

Notices: Please bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Bellefonte food Bank.


      Respectfully submitted,

            Romayne B. Naylor, Secretary