Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, October 28, 1994


Present: Kevin Musick (President) & Leeshaun Musick, Helen Bechdel, Sharon Allison, Jim & Gay Dunne, Claudia Wilson (Arts Administrator), Dave Eggler (Secretary), Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-president), Romayne Naylor, Rob & True Fisher, Peter Schneeman, Paul DeCusati (Treasurer), Ed Olsen, Molly Schwartz, Frank Dankanich, Dave & Sarah Trost, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of Rob and True Fisher

Minutes: Peter moved and Jim seconded a motion to accept the minutes as amended.  Passed.

Treasurer's Report: Paul reported $305.96 in checking, $7,566.83 in savings, and $3,609.10 in CD's, for a total of $11,481.89.  A list of those who have paid 1994 dues was circulated. Peter moved and Melady seconded a motion that the "dues year" be changed to a January to December basis (calendar year).  Passed by acclamation.

Victorian Christmas: Romayne reported that a new buggies/carriage ride vendor is needed.  Santa will appear on Dec. 10-11 and 17-18 in stores.  Everyone is encouraged to wear semi-Victorian clothing around town on appropriate occasions.  True reported that the Arts and Crafts Fair has 35 spaces and 43 requests, a most encouraging trend that allows her a good selection of artists/crafters.  At the meeting she completed the volunteer lists for coffee people, set-up people, and table sitters.  Melady solicited walking tour tag-alongs as trainees for future years.  Kevin reported a need for houses for the Homes Tour.

Library Concerts: Jim ("I'm not on the Committee anymore") observed 45 people at the last concert, remarkable musical quality, and that Claudia's publicity was great.

Publicity/Advertising: Melady reported that the previously-approved ad campaigns through the CDT and the Asa Berlin radio show are on hold until January, at which time there will be more library concerts and a new season for Gamble Mill Gallery.  Peter moved and Dave T. seconded that the previously-approved $300 grant be extended until March.  Passed.  Dave T. noted that this was his first second in several years, his position as President not allowing a first or a second. (That's why his name is in BOLD in this report.)

Old House Fair: Leeshaun reported that surveys collected from the spring Fair brought in new ides and topics of interest.  The date of the new fair is tentative, but probably in late March.

Arts Administrator: Claudia circulated the BHCA mailing list (700+ names) at the meeting for corrections.  A request was made for new names of interested people and key local officials.  She asked for guidance on how many names should be added from the Gamble Mill mailing list.  A fund-raising letter has been sent out; the letter received loud praise, as well as the effort of Mary Vollero in its design.  Mary  also has designed possible logos for BHCA, which were circulated at the meeting for comment.  Grants for Film Forum and the Arts Administrator position have been put through.  The current PA Arts Alliance News points out new venues for publicity; the News was handed to the Publicity Committee.

Film Forum: Dave T. and Joe will get together and will network with the Senior Institute at Bellefonte HS.

Gamble Mill Gallery: The Committee has been Chair-less, but at the meeting Sarah volunteered, after back-room politicking, to be Chair.  She then announced that the Committee had no report except that new artists are needed for 1995.

Artscape (arts + landscape = Artscape): Melady, with the Legislative Initiative Grant (previous minutes) and under the aegis of BHCA, has appointed a formal committee that will assist in locating historic buildings and other space for new visual artists in Bellefonte.  The Committee includes Melady (Chair), Rob Gannon, Mary Vollero, Ed Olsen, Charlie Farrell, and Rob Fisher.

Good of the Order: Sarah indicated that a Murder Mystery Night will be held as a fund-raiser in Fall 1995.  For the Bellefonte Bicentennial the JC's are considering erecting a stone monument in honor of the Bellefonte governors.  It could possibly tie in with the previously-mentioned Talleyrand Park clock proposed by Peter.  A committee of Claudia and Kevin has identified a resource person for the Children's Arts Program.  Kevin indicated that a garden tour will be planned for the Bellefonte Bicentennial; formal flower beds may be put in at locations around town. He solicited volunteers.  Jim informed the group of an artists talk, with music, on Nov. 11 at Adam & Art.  The next opening there is Dec. 9.

Next Meeting: December 2 at the home of Dave and Sarah Trost.

Adjournment: Romayne moved, Dave T. seconded, no dissension.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary