Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes, February 25, 1994
Present: Tom Scordato; Molly Schwartz; Ed Olsen; Rob Gannon; Melady Kehm (Vice-president); Porter Versfelt; Kevin and Carol Burke; Romayne Naylor (Secretary); Dave Trost (President) and Sarah Trost (Arts Administrator); Joe Vasey; Joanne Tosti-Vasey; Jim and Gay Dunne; and Candy and Bob Dannaker.
Secretary's Report: Joanne moved, Porter seconded, and the motion to approve the minutes passed.
Treasurer's Report: In the absence of Alex Dyakiw, Dave passed out the treasurer's report. Checking account $995, savings $7152, CDs $3550, total assets $11,697. Rob G. moved, Joe seconded and the motion to approve the treasurer's report passed with thanks for the ever changing graphics.
Gamble Mill Gallery: A show of photos by Barbara Smith and oils by Joanne Landis will be hung March 12 with the opening reception held March 15. Joyce Hagen will be resigning as chairman of this committee and is looking for a replacement. The committee also needs new volunteers.
Arts Administrator: The fundraising letter didn't get out on time for a Presidents' Day theme. Sarah is resigning as the end of March. True Fisher has said Claudia Wilson is interested in the position. The search committee (Gay, True, Rob and Ann Jacobs) were charged with conducting interviews and reporting back with a hiring suggestion. Porter asked that our thanks to Sarah for all her hard work be entered into the minutes and we regretfully accepted her resignation.
Old House Fair: The committee has met three times in the past month and the work is progressing well. Dave noted Cheryl DeCusati's stellar fund raising efforts and reported the first advertising would appear in the Centre Daily Times this week.
Summer Sounds: Mary Addis has called the first meeting for 3:30 p.m. March 9 and will be asking committee members to confirm attendance. The 10th anniversary of the first Community Band concert will be their June 19 performance. The Jaffa Mosque Shriner Band will appear the following week.
Library Concerts: Jim reported one cancellation because the musician doesn't have his program ready. Asa Berlin will plug the concerts on his WPSU radio show three consecutive Sundays for about $20. Melady moved to allow Sarah to use her discretion in re: advertising with Asa Berlin. Rob G. seconded and the motion passed.
Film Forum: Joe reported the theme is views of living in Pennsylvania. First will be the first public airing of Porter's Ku Klux Klan documentary. The second week will be Ken Thigpen's "Buck Season at Bear Meadows." Third will be "Amish Not To Be Modern" by Michael Taylor and Victoria Larimore and the fourth and last week will be Ken Fink's "The Work I've Done." The shows are April 13, 20, 27 and either April 6 or May 4 at the Bush House. Projectors will be rented from Centre County Library and Historical Museum for $5. The screens are included.
Victorian Christmas: There was no report.
Good of the Order: Melady reported the Bellefonte Woman's Club Spring Homes Tour will be May 1. The Burkes' home will be on this tour as will Molly and Ed's, Ellen and Alex's, Adam & Art, the Brockerhoff Gallery, Bill Tressler's, the Plaza Theater and another house Melady couldn't recall. The Club is seeking 12 people to work two hour shifts at the Plaza Theater. They will need to take a tour with owner Ron Wiser to get the information, then pass the information on to the tourers. Joanne and Romayne said a tentative yes and Rob G. and Tom said they will do it.
Dave and Sarah and Porter said they were unable to keep their commitment to doing the WPSX membership drive on March 13.
Joanne received a letter in re: a State Tax Bill affecting nonprofit organizations. Non-profits will start paying taxes on property not used for the express purpose of the organization (i.e. a church must pay taxes on rental property it owns or a college has to pay taxes on property not used for educational purposes). Since we own no property, the Bill will not affect us.
Next Meeting: The next meeting was scheduled at Dave Eggler's home at 7:30 p.m. March 18. (Secretary's note: Since then, Betsey Eggler has undergone surgery to repair an Achilles, tendon ruptured while skiing. In deference to Dave's nursing duties, the meeting place was changed to Helen Bechdel's home.-- R.)
Respectfully submitted,
Romayne B. Naylor