Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes, April 15, 1994
Present: Kevin and Leeshaun Musick; Melady Kehm
(Vice-president) and
Rob Gannon; Bob and Candy Dannaker; Claudia Wilson (Arts Coordinator); Brian and Roni Dennis; Dave
and Betsey Eggler; Jim and Gay Dunne; Alex Dyakiw (Treasurer); Dan and Jeanne
Nadenicek; and Tobi Harpur.
Location: home of Betsey & Dave Eggler
Secretary: Rob moved and Bob seconded a motion to approve the minutes; passed.
Gamble Mill Gallery: No report.
Arts Coordinator: Melady introduced Claudia Wilson as the new Arts Coordinator. Claudia said that Sarah Trost will be working alone on grants, and then Sarah and Claudia will talk later about the job and the grants. Discussion about the Arts Coordinator conference. Claudia is not sure if she will be able to attend. Melady said that there is a possible $225-250 possible to attend the entire conference. Kevin moved and Candy seconded a motion to approve an amount up to $250 to send the Arts Coordinator to the conference. Claudia's name will go on the registration form and if she cannot attend, possibly a substitute will attend.
Summer Sounds: Melady announced the revised schedule for the summer concerts. The first week is the Community Band. The second week is Red Apple Juice. The third week is Mick Dennis Trio, then Tommy Wareham, then Little German Band. The sixth week is Beth Williams and the seventh week will be Spectrum & the Electric Rodeo. The Concerts in the Park are every Sunday, starting Father’s Day, the 19th.
Old House Fair: Melady proposed a toast to everyone involved. Candy said that she heard wonderful reports from people not involved. Finances - Leeshaun reported: Sponsors $2,200; Ticket Sales $465; Total Collected $2,627; Total Paid $2,399.37; Profit $227.63. This money will be placed in a fund that will accumulate to purchase a permanent gallery for a BHCA home. Leeshaun also reported that the evaluation questionnaire return was about 50 questionnaires, and that each one returned was good. Some possible topics for next year: patios, decks, and porches: interior design,: and ornamental gardening.
Victorian Christmas: Alex reported that it will be held on December 9th, 10th, and llth this year.
Balances for April: checking $998, savings $9997, CDs 3550, total $14,545.45
Library Concerts: Jim reported that the Sunday concert did not get into the newspaper. Leeshaun suggested talking to Mary Kate. Jim is playing in Victorian Brass this weekend. Friday, April 29th Cecelia Dunoyer, piano. First two concerts will be on C-Net. Next year a new person will be doing the library concerts, possibly Diane Gold, professional flutist. Jim suggested that this would be a step forward with the library concerts. Professional musicians like having these concerts as an outlet to play.
Bicentennial: Candy reported that there was a good turnout at the meeting. Registration sheets said "Volunteers". Since the meeting others have volunteered for the event.
Announcements: Rob said that there will be one more meeting for the Borough Sign Ordinance at 7:00, Monday evening. Brian reported that flowering pear and crab apple trees will be planted at the cemetery, Allegheny hill, and McAllister Street this Saturday morning. All volunteers will meet at 10:30 at the right-of-way across from Big Spring.
Adjournment: Jim moved, Bob seconded a motion to adjourn.
Presenter: Tobi Harpur, a graduate student from PSU in Landscape Architecture, presented her Masters Thesis on Bellefonte.
Respectfully submitted,
Roni Dennis