Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association Minutes
y 15, 1994


Present: Ed Olsen & Molly Schwartz, True Fisher, Kevin & Carol Burke, Rob Gannon & Melady Kehm (Vice-president), Mary Parmenter, Sarah and Dave Trost (President), Jim Dunne, Porter Versfelt, Helen Bechdel, Leeshaun & Kevin Musick, Paul & Cheryl DeCusati.


Meeting called to order. Rob read the minutes of the last meeting. Melady proposed minutes be accepted, seconded by Mary Parmenter.


Gamble Mill - Sarah said the Gala show starts June 4th. Marlee Irwin will show her watercolors. Mary Sue Ford will also show watercolors and her nature photography. June 7th - Opening 7:30-9:30 p.m. Centre Company Photographers: photographers club wants to submit collectively their photos for us to review for January showing.


Arts Coordinator: Melady reported that Claudia said conference was great. Fundraising letter goes out next week and notice for Summer Sounds will follow along with Gamble Mill postcard.


River Keeper Group - Program this year for 1994 Artists will be to come listen to the Delaware River sounds and come up with Art. Next year their work will be displayed. There will be seven sites on the Delaware River. Melady proposed a toast to Sarah for her commendable efforts as Arts Coordinator for the past 2 and a half years,


Summer Sounds - Melady will make the flyer for Summer Sounds again. Check for $500.00 received from the Garver Fund for Summer Sounds. Dave suggested that each sponsor should be acknowledged for their contribution.


Victorian Christmas - resting


Treasurer Report - dues due. Mary will collect dues and forward to Alex.


Summer Sounds - Week six will open with Beth Williams. A schedule will be mailed out soon.


Library Concerts -Bella String Quartet - last concert of the season.


New Gallery Show opens this week reception June 3rd, evening 7:30-10:00 "Four Women Artists" party following. Come and bring friends!


Temple Court Crafters - Housed in former National Store, finished crafts. Room for 20 artists


Bicentennial - Melady requested release from commitment to organize a Victorian Ball, coordinated with Victorian Christmas Committee. July 95 - Bicentennial. Calendar will be out in Fall depicting old buildings. Bellefonte Game - celebrity panelists asked questions about Bellefonte. Dave relayed a suggestion from Romayne Naylor that a summary of BHCA events be posted in a flyer format and available through the Chamber of Commerce. Melady, in a gesture of thoughtfulness, read the article about Bellefonte from National Geographic. Eleana Becker appealed for Victorian clothing for theater production. Chamber of Commerce asked for information about officers and other related facts. Dave agreed to be a contact person until November. Signed ordinance and zoning issue passed by the Borough.  Darryll Furfarro, Manager of Nittany Feed and Hardware, will sell cotton buntings for the Bicentennial.


Old House Fair - Cheryl DeCusati said the thank you letters will be sent out soon to all sponsors who supported the Old House Fair. Melady read the sponsor list for all to hear.


Film Forum - 65 people attend the last meeting to see Porter's film on the KKK.  The film proved to be a huge success.

Paul moved to adjourn. Kevin seconded. Next meeting at the Dunnes.