Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Minutes, September 23, 1994


Present: Sarah Trost and Dave Trost (President), Mary Vollero, Ed Olsen, Leeshaun and Kevin Musick, Claudia Wilson (Arts Coordinator), Candy and Bob Dannaker, Helen Bechdel, Cheryl DeCusati, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey; Dave Eggler, Peter Schneeman, Carol and Kevin Burke, Molly Schwartz, True Fisher, Frank Dankanich, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Romayne Naylor (Secretary), and Malika and Russell Garrett.


Minutes: Peter moved, Sarah seconded, and a motion to accept the minutes as amended passed.


Treasurer: Dave T. has been pinch hitting since the unexpected resignation of Alex Dyakiw. He reported $3,560 in certificates of deposit, $84.88 in checking and $7,533.33 in savings for a total of $11, 178.21. Grant moneys have not yet been deposited.


Nominations/Elections: Nominated at the previous meeting were: Kevin M., president; Melady, vice president; Dave E., secretary and Paul DeCusati, treasurer. After brief campaign speeches ("I'll do my best," said Kevin. "Forever!" declared Melady. "My Mac is ready," promised Dave E. In Paul's absence Cheryl promised he would be an enthusiastic treasurer), the slate was unanimously accepted.


Victorian Christmas: True and crew stuffed and addressed 215 Arts and Crafts Fair applications before the meeting. Mary Parmenter and Ellen Dyakiw will do the coffee table. The usual help is needed for set-up and to clean up after and to staff the BHCA sales table. Artisans are being encouraged to wear Victorian garb. Melady will be doing walking tours at 12:30 and 2 p.m. Saturday and 12:30 p.m. Sunday. She will train aspiring guides.


Library Concerts: Dave T. said the Library Concerts will start with Barbara Hess on Oct. 23. Diane Gold-Toulson is now chairman of this committee, which will try to make BHCA more recognizable.


Publicity/Advertising: Melady reported the committee will place paid ads and needs a calendar of events least 6 months in advance for publicity purposes. The initial focus will be local, with ads for the library concerts and the Gamble Mill Gallery in the Centre Daily Times and on WRSC's Sunday classical music program with Asa Berlin. Dave T. said the committee will develop a recognizable logo for letterhead, mailings and advertising. Melady moved to approve spending approximately $300 to pay for advertising for the remainder of 1994. Joanne seconded and the motion passed. The committee includes Melady, Dave T., Claudia, Candy and Molly.


Old House Fair: Leeshaun reported the committee will start meeting in October for the event in March or early April. Melady has the name of a home fabric care specialist. Her expertise includes upholstery, drapes and carpets.


Arts Administrator: Claudia reviewed the mail. There are grant moneys to be deposited. She has sent for information on Centre County Community Foundation grants and asked for project ideas. There will be an October fund raising letter with a Fall theme. Dave T. suggested "It's time for BHCA to put the bite on you" with a vampire. Sarah will help Claudia write grants. The Gamble Mill Gallery Committee will be booking the dates for Gamble Mill Gallery receptions for 1995. Claudia met with "Daybreak" editor, Becky Bennett, at the CDT about how to get better coverage. News releases should be sent directly to Bennett. Gallery openings and concerts will get about two inches of copy unless it's a special event. This information and calendar items must be submitted two weeks in advance. There may be an occasional artist profile, and she would like to do a BHCA history piece. Melady suggested inviting arts reporter, Bill Syken, to a meeting and bringing BHCA artifacts for him to review


Film Forum: A Film Forum grant has been received. Dave T. will chair  this committee and will be recruiting help. Members applauded Joe for a job well done on past Film Forums.


Gamble Mill Gallery: The committee will be selecting artists for the 1995 shows. A State College photo club wants the group show. The next show, Janet Lindsay batiks and Dorothy Grebos collages and watercolors, opens October 11.


Good of the Order: Melady received a Legislative Initiative Grant to find suitable studio and living space for artists and to develop a long-range plan for these spaces. She has toured the old Match Factory with Jay Claster. He's enthusiastic about the project. Melady wants to start an artist's newsletter and hold workshops on topics of interest to artists. She has $1500 approved and is seeking additional funding.

     Peter said a clock near the Train Station was in the original Talleyrand Park plan. He wrote for catalogs of suitable clocks. He would like BHCA to start soliciting sponsors for this $7,000-10,000 project.

     There will be an artist's lecture at Adam & Art November 11. Kevin suggested children's art programs on winter weekend for a possible Centre County Community Foundation Grant.


Next Meeting: This will be October 28 at the Fisher home at 228 North Allegheny Street.


Respectfully submitted,

Romayne B. Naylor
