Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, November 17, 1995


Present: Kevin Musick, Paul DeCusati (Treasurer), Rob Gannon, Claudia Wilson (Arts Administrator), Helen Bechdel, Dave (Secretary) & Betsey Eggler, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Mark Van Horn

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of Dave & Betsey Eggler


Minutes: Paul moved and Joe seconded that the minutes of the October meeting be accepted as read.  Passed.


Treasurer's Report: Paul reported that $282 was contributed to BHCA as a result of the Masque Parade fundraiser.  $2625 flowed in for the upcoming Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Fair.


Victorian Christmas:  As reported last month, response has been excellent for the Arts & Crafts Fair tables.  Fifteen applicants have been turned away.  Ideas were solicited for space that might be used in the future to expand the Fair.  Rob suggested the unfinished annex (bank) to the Y and Ron Weiser's theatre across the street.


Arts Administrator:

•  Claudia indicated that BHCA needs to do more fundraising beyond the Masque Parade effort.  Ensuing discussion centered on the need for a more comprehensive fundraising plan, as well as other initiatives: Joe raised the possibility of corporate sponsorship, Rob urged BHCA Elks members to seat themselves on the Garver Fund Committee, and Helen suggested that people be encouraged to remember BHCA in their Trusts.

•  Paperwork has been received that a $1500 media arts grant will be received for Film Forum.

•  The annual BHCA Holiday Potluck Gathering will occur on December 15 (see October minutes).  Invitations will go out.

•  Bulk mailing rates have increased.


Christmas Concert: A holiday concert by the Music Academy on December 16 will be sponsored by BHCA and held at Trinity United Methodist Church.  Suzuki violin players will present a children's concert, to be followed by an adult concert.


Old House Fair.  Kevin reported that two meetings have been held.  OHF will occur on March 23 at The Bush House, featuring sessions on landscaping, inspections and organizing, historic preservation, and paints.


Artscape: Rob reported that there continues to be great interest in Bellefonte.  The possibility of a microbrewery occupying the vacant Match Factory space next to Talleyrand Park was discussed.


Gallery at The Gamble Mill: The 1996 schedule is now filled.  The next opening on December 9 features fiber art and microquilts by Sylvia Apple, Antoinette Holl, and Joyce Hagen.


Library Concerts:  No report.


Film Forum: No report.


Old Business:

•  Kevin reported that the Fulbright Day was a big success.  The scholars had a good time visiting Bellefonte and were enthusiastic about the town.  The tour finished at the Reynolds Mansion. 

•  The Mansion is willing to talk about a Murder Night Mystery production.  Romayne has written a mystery, so MMN may yet come together as a potential fund raiser.


New Business:

•  Kevin would like to see creation of  a fundraising committee.  He will contact people; the nascent committee needs ideas.

•  Kevin would also like to see creation of a publicity committee.  We need to get the message out that artists are coming to Bellefonte.

•  Budgets: Chairs of committees need to meet with Claudia and the Treasurer.


Next Meeting: January 19, 1996 at Adam & Art.


Adjournment: Joe moved, Paul seconded, no dissension.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary