Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes, June 2, 1995
Present: Kevin Musick, Jim & Gay Dunne, Cheryl & Paul DeCusati (Treasurer), Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Claudia Wilson (Arts Administrator), Doug & Wilda Stanfield, Dave Eggler (Secretary)
Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)
Locale: The home of Cheryl & Paul DeCusati
Minutes: Rob moved and Gay seconded a motion to accept the minutes of the April 21 meeting as read.
Treasurer's Report: Paul presented a Treasurer's Report. For the month of April total inflows were $196 and outflows $1941, largely in Old House Fair expenses. As of June 2, the inflow/outflow balance for OHF is $551 in the negative. As of April 30 assets of BHCA in bank accounts, not counting CD's, are $14,705.
Melady moved and Rob seconded that the report be accepted as read. Passed.
Arts Administrator:
• Claudia circulated samples of work from Grove's Printing in reproducing the old BHCA letterhead for new stationery. Consensus on the quality was favorable.
• As approved in the last meeting, a 5-line advertisement has been placed on the new Bellefonte map of the Chamber of Commerce, along with descriptive listings of activities.
• BHCA has been asked for a representative to be present at the opening ceremonies of the Bellefonte Bicentennial on or about July 15.
• The new Gamble Mill Gallery show, "Seven Printmakers", by Penn State art instructors, will commence on June 24, with a reception on June 27.
• Claudia will continue to try to place an article on Summer Sounds in the CDT.
• The issue of BHCA participation in the Bicentennial came up for the last time. Samples of lemon straws received from Candy Dannaker were displayed, and a booth for dispensing this Victorian-era sugar/lemon confection on July 22, the day of the parade, was tentatively approved. Volunteers were registered. It was suggested that Helen Bechdel might coordinate the Lemon Stand; Kevin is to contact her.
• Claudia reminded the members that Film Forum showings will occur on June 14, 21, and 28 at Adam and Art, as announced by Dave Trost at the last meeting. A mailing needs to go out. The showing on June 14 is "Ceiling Zero", a Hollywood production on air mail history that includes Bellefonte, on June 21 "St. John Newman" on the life of Bellefonte's saint and "Vignettes of 1940", and on June 28 "The Mills Brothers Story". Dan Clemson will speak at all events. Gay announced that they are thinking about asking Hugh Manchester to come to identify people and places.
• Claudia attended the PA Arts Alliance Arts Management Council. She obtained good contacts and ideas and will present a written report at the next meeting.
Library Concerts: Concerts are concluded for the year.
Summer Sounds: Melady reported that concerts will commence on June 18 with The Victorian Brass and will run through August 13.
Murder Mystery Night: no report.
Artscape: As reported at the last meeting, Rob has bought the old laundry across the street from the Big Spring. Melady reported that there is one artist/tenant for this property. Melady is now convinced that the proper Artscape strategy is to buy buildings.
Local Government Grants: Gay reported the results of a meeting of the committee which she chairs, with Peter Schneeman, Helen Bechdel, Charles Farrell, and Claudia. The committee had $9000 to work with -- $5500 from the Borough, and $3500 from the PA Council on the Arts, which goes to the borough for disbursement -- but more requests than money. Their choices were:
• $2200 to the Gamble Mill Gallery.
• $5600 to the Library Concerts.
• $900 to the YMCA Childcare program to provide more arts experiences to children.
• $300 to a graduate student at Penn State who proposed a 2-day pottery workshop at the Senior Citizens Center.
Good of the Order:
• Kevin announced that the $100 donation that BHCA is presenting to the Bicentennial will be designated for the Garden Tour. The BHCA name will appear on the tour pamphlet.
• New fundraising efforts were discussed. Kevin suggested that a new campaign should be publicized with a focus on a specific goal such as restoration.
• Kevin and Claudia are talking with Mary Vollero of the GMG Committee on a workshop for displaying art, vis-a-vis GMB hangings and, for new artists, tips on hanging and merchandising.
• Jim said that he had followed up on the opportunity announced at the last meeting and had called Clinton Davis. Adam & Art received 62 paintings of Billy Mills. A marketing contract has been negotiated, but the gallery has had some difficulty in communicating with the artist. Paintings include some wonderful views of Bellefonte. The gallery hopes for an exhibit of some of the paintings at the Bicentennial.
Next Meeting: to be announced after the Bicentennial and summer recess
Adjournment: Gay moved, Paul seconded, no dissension.
Respectfully submitted,
David H. Eggler, Secretary