Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, January 19, 1996

Present: Kevin & Leeshaun Musick, Paul DeCusati (Treasurer) & Cheryl DeCusati, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Claudia Wilson (Arts Administrator), Helen Bechdel, Dave Eggler (Secretary), Bob & Candy Dannaker, Mark Van Horn, Dave Trost, Jim & Gay Dunne

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: Adam & Art


Minutes: Helen moved and Gay seconded that the minutes of the November 1995 meeting be accepted as read.  Passed.


Treasurer's Report: Paul reported that from 10/1/95 to 12/31/95 $4,024 flowed into the bank account and $5,800 flowed out.  As of Dec. 31, BHCA has $9,383 in bank accounts and $4,674 in CD's.  Gay moved and Melady seconded that the report be accepted.  Passed.


Victorian Christmas:  There was general agreement that Victorian Christmas, in particular the BHCA Arts & Crafts Fair, had gone very well.  Candy reported that True Fisher is looking for more spaces for next year's Fair; Ron Weiser's theater across the street is a possibility.  The Christmas Thank-You Party at the home of Ed Olsen and Molly Schwartz was a joyous occasion for all present, although the attendance of BHCA "friends" may have been a bit low.  Paul suggested that we think about doing it a little earlier in 1996, as the date chosen ran into other events.  It was also suggested that we look into more personalized invitations for newcomers and guests.


Christmas Concert:  Leeshaun reported a great concert at the Methodist Church held by the Music Academy and sponsored by BHCA.  The space and acoustics were excellent.  Performers liked it, it is hoped the audience will build, and the event definitely will be repeated next year.  The concert was covered by C-Span.


Library Concerts:  Jim noted that a children's concert with soprano Barbara Hess and pianist Shirley Fonda occurs on Feb. 11.  Publicity was discussed.


Artscape: Melady reported that numerous artists, including a group of ten, want studio space in Bellefonte.  The Bush House is a possibility; Charlie Farrell will get involved with architecture plans. 

   • She has applied for a grant through the Centre County Foundation for a newsletter.

   • John Kountz, who attended a BHCA meeting some months ago, made a $25 donation to Artscape.  He has now established a foothold in rentals in Bellefonte.

   • Jim announced that he and Gay have been  thinking about having Adam & Art and other selected studios open during and after football games.  They would advertise in the football game programs, asking restaurants to help foot the bill.  Candy seconded the idea.

   • Kevin suggested that HBI, Victorian Christmas, BHCA etc. get together about joint publicity and advertising.


Film Forum: Dave T. reported that there was no report to be reported.


Old House Fair.  Leeshaun reported that the schedule is set.  Seminars will include home office design, home organization, landscaping with water gardens, painting, and the importance of historic preservation and historic districts.  The ever-popular building inspector will return; his talk may branch up to first floors this year.  Town & Gown is again doing a double-page announcement/advertisements on the Fair.


Summer Sounds: Melady noted that the committee is currently Chairless but not clueless, inasmuch as the membership is fairly intact from last year.


Gallery at The Gamble Mill: Dave E. reported that a new show of black & white photography opens in January, with Kathleen Langston, Paul Ruby, Steve Williams, and Jerry Kempner.  The current show proved to be very popular, occasioning several inquiries about exhibiting.  He circulated the complete 1996 schedule.

        He brought up the issue of pruning the BHCA mailing list in order to save money on the GGM (and other) budgets and suggested a way to do it.  This engendered a general discussion of mailing and fundraising.  Paul noted that BHCA had a general deficit in 1995 and that we need to cut expenses somewhere.  Kevin floated the idea of a quarterly newsletter in lieu of individual event mailings and asked committee persons to take the idea back to their committees.


Arts Administrator:

•  Claudia has updated the BHCA mailing list.

•  She is working on grants for 1996/97.

•  She indicated that, in light of the small proceeds from the Halloween fund-raiser, we need another effort, but prefers a different kind of fund-raiser and a new committee.

•  The panel that judges grants has now been added to our mailing list.

•  BHCA has been sent copies of the comments made when our own grants were judged.


New Business:

•  Paul emphasized that we need to stick to committee budgets in 1996.

•  Kevin asked for a representative from each committee to sit on the fund-raising committee.

•  1996 dues are due.

•  Candy moved and Gay seconded that all BHCA officers be re-elected for 1996.  Motion passed by acclamation.


Next Meeting: February 16, 1996 at the Fisher's home.


Adjournment: Candy moved, Dave T. seconded, no dissension.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary