Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, March 15, 1996


Present: Kevin & Leeshaun Musick, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Helen Bechdel, Dave Eggler (Secretary), Candy & Bob Dannaker, Mark Van Horn, Dave & Sarah Trost, Jim & Gay Dunne, True Fisher, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Romayne Naylor

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of Joe Vasey & Joanne Tosti-Vasey


Minutes: Candy moved and Romayne  seconded that the minutes of the February meeting be accepted as read.  Passed.


Treasurer's Report:  $2410 has been received to date from the fund raiser letter.


Arts Administrator: Kevin reported from Claudia that:

•  Money has been received from the PA Council on the Arts for Film Forum and for the Arts Administrator.

•  She praised the color card mailed out for the new Gallery at Gamble Mill show.

•  The April 21 Library Concert will be the Victorian Brass.

•  All committees, especially Old House Fair, should keep complete packets of material to use in future grant applications.


Gallery at The Gamble Mill: The show, "Naturescapes", with Vincent Carducci, Dave Paden, and Michael Theuer, opened with the reception on March 12. 


Artscape: On February 27 Melady escorted artists around Bellefonte to look at possible studio space.  Nancy Brassington has secured a space in the Crider Exchange.  The Borough is now attempting to have the Cerro Building donated to the Borough and zoned Commercial Village; it is a possible site for studios.  She has been given $800 by the Centre County Community Foundation for a quarterly newsletter.


Film Forum: Sarah reported for the late-arriving Dave that he wants to show a film at various times of the year when people are in town for other events.


Old House Fair.  The Old House Fair will occur on March 23.  Leeshaun reported that brochures and tickets are available.  There will be ads and a spread in Town & Gown and in the real estate section of the CDT.


Summer Sounds: Melady announced that the dates are June 16 through August 11.  Acts include Deacons of Dixieland, Red Apple Juice, the Community Band, Tommy Wareham, Cliff Turner & the Afterburners, Little German Band, and Simple Gifts.


New Business:

•  Last week the Arts Administrator Committee and the Executive Committee met jointly.  They asked themselves what BHCA wants from the AA position, especially in terms of grant applications and of mailings.  Rob G. suggested combining our executive position with other groups.  There will be another meeting at the end of March to move on advertising the position.

•  An ad hoc Fundraising Committee (Dave T., Melady, & Kevin) met on Feb. 19.  Fund-raising events and corporate sponsorships were discussed.  Floor discussion included bus trips to the Rock & Roll Museum, the Andy Warhol Museum, etc., a quilt exhibition, and a ghost tour.

•  Members were asked to bring names of people who will become involved in BHCA activities even though they may not be attending Friday night meetings.

•  The next meetings are April 19 at Helen's, May 15 at the Dunne's, and June 21 at the Trost's.

•  The Homes Tour will be on the afternoon of May 5.  Hosts/hostesses are needed at the Stanfield house.  Volunteers were solicited.

•  Rob G. noted a couple of inquiries on setting up a WWW Homepage for BHCA.

•  Candy announced that March 17 is "Mayor's Night" at the WPSX fundraising drive.  She will of course represent Bellefonte.  She also announced that the Bellefonte Museum in the Linn House is "now a reality.  New things are happening every day.  Funding will be forthcoming!"

•  Kevin reported that Grace Hampton of PSU did pull together a county arts organizations meeting at the HUB.  There was agreement to work together and possibly to produce a calendar of events.

•  Gloria Horner of the Chamber of Commerce asked if BHCA would send a letter supporting development of a microbrewery to lenders and legislators.  The request concerns construction of a 22-room inn (stage II).

•  True reported that she had inquired about use of the Plaza Theater for an across-the-street extension of the Arts & Crafts Fair.  The answer was affirmative.


Adjournment: Rob G. moved, Joanne seconded, no dissension.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary