Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, April 19, 1996


Present: Kevin Musick, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Helen Bechdel, Dave Eggler (Secretary), Candy & Bob Dannaker, Mark Van Horn, Dave & Sarah Trost, Jim & Gay Dunne, True Fisher, Ashley Milburn, KT Huckabee-Milburn

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of Helen Bechdel


Minutes: Candy moved and Dave T. seconded that the minutes of the March meeting be accepted as read.  Passed.


Treasurer's Report:  none


Arts Administrator: no report


Gallery at The Gamble Mill: The show "Students from the Bellefonte Schools" opened with the reception on April 23. 


Artscape: Melady reported that she will be assisted by Ashley, who has worked on low-income housing and the arts in Salt Lake City.


Film Forum: No report.  Melady volunteered to help.


Old House Fair.  The Old House Fair on March 23 drew 65 participants.  Kevin and Sarah felt that it went well, and they received good responses from the speakers. 


Summer Sounds: Melady reported that everything is on track for the summer season except publicity.  She hoped (aloud) that BHCA would have a new Arts Administrator by June to do publicity.


Library Concerts: The Victorian Brass will perform April 21 at 2:30 PM, to be followed by Richard Kennedy, tenor, and Anthony Leach, piano, on May 5.


Arts & Crafts Fair: True reported that she and Mark are going to visit the Plaza Theatre to check on conditions relative to possible supplemental space, in addition to the Y.


New Business:

•  The Arts Administrator Committee and the Executive Committee had met jointly in March, asking themselves what BHCA wants from the AA position.  The AA Committee, with Melady, met again on April 9 and again reviewed the scope of the position in relation to the scope of the BHCA organization.  It is evident that we either need to increase the scope, necessitating an increase in Administrator pay, or we need to decrease the scope and utilize more member labor.

•  It was agreed to have a BHCA booth at the Big Spring Festival (formerly the Big Fish Feed) in Talleyrand Park on May 19.  This is to be a well-planned and advertised event.

•  A calendar of events in Bellefonte for 1996 has indeed been produced through the Chamber of Commerce and various organizations, including BHCA.  The 4" x 11"-sized card was distributed to members present.


Adjournment: Gay moved, Sarah seconded, no dissension.  Total meeting time: 1:10


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary