Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes, May 17, 1996


Present: Kevin Musick, Rob Gannon, Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Helen Bechdel, Dave Eggler (Secretary), Mark Van Horn, Dave Trost, Jim & Gay Dunne, Ashley Milburn, KT Huckabee-Milburn, Gretchen Hyle, Joe Vasey, Joanne Tosti-Vasey, Paul DeCusati (Treasurer) & Cheryl DeCusati

Presiding: Kevin Musick (President)

Locale: The home of Jim & Gay Dunne


Minutes: Gay moved and Cheryl seconded that the minutes of the April meeting be accepted as read.  Passed.


Treasurer's Report:  Paul presented reports from Jan. 1 through March 31 and from April 1 through April 30.  From Jan. through March total inflows, mainly from fundraising, were $554 and outflows, mainly in administrator wages, were $1725.  Assets on March 31 were $12,885.  For the month of April, inflows, mainly from the April fundraiser letter, were $2663 and outflows $886.  The Old House Fair from March through May 8 had a net loss of $14, but a $1000 bill from the Bush House is yet to be negotiated and paid.  Discussion ensued on why the OHF attendance was low relative to the past two years.  Then the report was accepted by acclamation.

It was decided, by acclamation, to send a thank-you form letter to donors of $25 or more in the fundraising campaign.


Arts Administrator: Gay announced that an ad for a new administrator appeared this week in the Centre Daily Times.  The salary is flexible.  An accountant has supplied criteria that must be met in order to pay the adminstrator as an independent contractor, as opposed to an employee.  The position will be structured as closely as possible to that of an independent contractor. 


Film Forum: Dave T. reported that he has found films to order on the Internet.


Summer Sounds: Melady reported that the announcement card would appear soon.  The season starts on Father's Day (June 16) and ends on August 4.


Arts & Crafts Fair: Mark reported that he and True had checked out the Plaza Theatre as expansion space.  The first floor definitely will be used, and the second floor is a possibility.


New Business:

•  In the last election no treasurer was elected; Paul agreed to serve until one was found.  Dave E. has now agreed to serve as Treasurer and Paul as Secretary.  Melady moved and Dave T. seconded that this switch be approved.  Passed.

•  The fundraising committee is to meet again soon.

•  The Ghost Tour should move ahead, with Romayne at the helm.

•  The Centre County arts organizations, through Grace Hampton at Penn State, have produced a brochure of organizations and their statements.  The brochure was circulated.

•  Leeshaun has volunteered to make a list of "volunteers" -- people who want to be involved in BHCA without attending meetings.

•  BHCA previously agreed to staff a table at the Big Spring Festival on May 19.  Volunteers were solicited.

•  The Bellefonte Garden Club, with Kevin and Candy as co-chairs, has reorganized.  Among its goals are plantings in Bellefonte, flower boxes, garden tours, and art in gardens.  Rob moved and Joe seconded that BHCA accept the Garden Club as a committee under the BHCA "umbrella", primarily for financial transactions.  Passed.

•  Ashley announced the formation of an art collective that may be forming in Bellefonte.  As an immediate focus, it is proposing a Summer Arts Camp.  The schools, in particular the middle school, has been approached.  Artists have agreed to staff the camp, and several gardens have been volunteered as locales for art creation.  Another possibility is designation of two CATA buses as "art buses" for miniplays -- "CATA on a Hot Tin Roof".  The group may request to come under the BHCA umbrella.  Ashley asked for support on Monday night, when he will ask Borough Council for scholarships for the summer camp for Bellefonte students.

•  Melady proposed a retreat for discussion of BHCA goals on a 3-year time scale.  She proposed June 29 or July 20 at Rob & True's summer place on the Susquehanna.  Bob Ott was proposed as a facilitator.  It was decided that the Executive Committee will follow up.


Adjournment: Rob moved, Mark seconded, no dissension.  Total meeting time: 2:27


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        David H. Eggler, Secretary