Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
MINUTES September 26, 1997
Place: Bob & Candy Dannaker's House
Members Present: True Fisher (President), Melady Kehm (Vice-President), Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Candy Dannaker, Bob Dannaker, Jim Dunne, Gay Dunne, Pat Lace, Art Lace, Colina Jordan, Julie Rubin, Rob Gannon, Helen Bechdel, Bob Fenichel, Sherri Button, Rich Button, Dave Trost (Acting Secretary), Sue Jackson and Rod Bingaman (Arts Administator).
True pressed Dave Trost into taking the minutes shortly before calling the meeting to order at 8:10 PM. The meeting commenced with everyone introducing themselves to Art and Pat Lace, who recently moved to Bellefonte and are currently residing at the Reynolds Mansion carriage house.
Library Concerts. True announced that the first Sunday Afternoon at the Library Concert will be this Sunday at 2:30 PM. Jim Dunne announced that the performance will be by Dianne Gold, Klement Hambourg and Nevelyn Kneisely. Future performances will take place on 16 November, 1 March, and 26 April.
Gallery at The Gamble Mill. Dave Eggler announced that there will be a new opening reception at the Gamble Mill Gallery on Tuesday, 7 October. All are reminded to stop by.
Summer Sounds. Melady reported that the Summer Sounds from the Gazebo series had been a success, averaging 300 people attending performances to a maximum of 750 for Cliff Turner and the Afterburners. The series generated a positive cash flow of $750.00. Tommy Wareham, his premium pay scale and the relationship with the musician's union were debated and left up to the Summer Sounds Committee to resolve. Melady said that this may be her last year working on this project and seeks a possible replacement.
Film Forum. Rod Bingaman discussed the Film Forum's program this year. The audience doubled, averaging 60 people, with a maximum of 100. Participation of the film makers was much appreciated by the audience and lively discussion with differing points of view were highlighted with the Grady Louis presentation in particular. The $1,500.00 grant for next year's program has been received and the schedule may be set earlier in the year.
Treasurer’s Report. Dave Eggler reviewed the treasurer's report, the last one having been done in April. Despite a slight loss of funds over the summer, mostly attributed to the vagaries of funding cycles and presentation of programs… the group is in good financial shape with assets of $19,112.00. Dues were discussed, with January mentioned as the beginning of a new membership year. Dave expressed displeasure over being charged with becoming the de facto dues enforcement czar (in so many words).
The mailing list was discussed. Jim Dunne, True and Dave E. will pare it down, possibly with a mailing that would include a tear-off response form to indicate continuation on the mailing list or deletion from same.
A nominating committee was formed to seek new BHCA officers. Committee consists of Colina, Sarah and True.
Sarah volunteered to do the Annual Christmas party.
Victorian Christmas. True reported that Victorian Christmas applications are going out to participants in the Craft Fair - still $75.00 per table and Ron Weiser will let us use the Plaza Theatre again. He very kindly returned the money we paid him for use of the building last year, requesting that we consider it a contribution.
Arts Administrator. Gay informed the group of the resignation of Rod Bingaman as Arts Administrator and the personnel committee's choice of Julie Rubin to succeed him. The members applauded Rod for a job well done and everyone was pleased that he would stay on as a member, heading up the Film Forum Committee for another year. Thanks again Rod! Julie had been working at Adam & Art and has brings her experience in that field to BHCA. Rod will assist her in grant applications and in making the transition smooth.
Speaking of Adam & Art, there will be a change of direction there too. The Dunnes envision a change from its operation as a full-time gallery to a more community-oriented venue; possible associations with the Art Alliance may be pursued. Individual and group shows may take place. The process is evolving, and many suggestions are being reviewed. The Gallery will continue to be open on Fridays and Saturdays through December. Sue Jackson, Jim Dunne, Bob Fenichel, Candy Dannaker, Julie Rubin, and Gay Dunn will form an ad hoc committee to examine the possibilities.
Candy informed the group of a Tulip Festival planting to be done this Saturday AM - 9:00 at Talleyrand Park. Bulbs have been sent from the Netherlands through our "sister city."
Artists’ Studios Tour. The Artist's Studios Tour was reviewed. A BIG thank you goes out to Sue Jackson, who marshaled 33 volunteers to help with the tour. The tour didn't have as many people participate as had been hoped for, but those who participated were very pleased with the program. The artists were also pleased with the high level of interest exhibited by the touring visitors. It was felt that scheduling during the Arts Festival diluted the participants more than anticipated. Dianne Keane chaired the tour and did a wonderful job in coordinating the event and received a BIG thank you from the BHCA.
Gay told the group that the Local Government Grant had been received, amounting to $8,652.00, half of which is earmarked for the library. The rest of the money will go to: Sunday Afternoon at the Library concerts, the Gamble Mill Gallery program, the YMCA for a theatre experience for pre-school and schoolchildren as well as a visit to Mary Gallagan's studio to make tiles; a permanent tile display will be placed in the YMCA. Sarah Hopkins will do two concerts in American Song, and there will be a collaborative performance of "The Raven" at the Garman Opera House.
Helen Bechdel mentioned that the "Day of Caring" in the Borough had been very successful, with a 100% participation by the Bellefonte Area High School, thus throwing down the gauntlet for other schools and groups to help in cleaning up the local environment.
Having covered a lot of territory after the summer hiatus, Gay Dunne moved that we adjourn. True seconded and the members socialized, as is our custom.
The next meeting is scheduled for the third Friday in October, location to be announced.