Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes for Friday, January 19th, 2001
7:30 p.m. at the home of Jim and Gay Dunne


Attending: Helen Bechdel, Jim Dunne, Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Bob Fenichel, Rob and True Fisher, Colina Jordan, Carrie Lyons, Paul McMillan, Colleen Pike Blair (Secretary), Carolyn Shapiro, Sam Totor (Arts Administrator)


1.         Call to order/Introductions: Dave Eggler called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. Introductions were made on behalf of Carrie Lyons.


2.         Review of minutes: The minutes from November 17, 2000 were reviewed. Colina moved to approve the minutes. Jim seconded; motion carried.


3.         Treasurer's report: BHCA was awarded a grant from the PA Council on the Arts totaling $2,987.00. This is the same amount we were awarded last year. Other items of note:

·        Victorian Christmas raised $1,979.

·        Annual Fundraising Campaign raised $2,505. Sam added that donors maintained or increased their level of contribution; fewer people donated compared with last year.


True asked about acknowledging the fundraising campaign donors: Sam said this was not done last year. We decided to send out a thank you letter to each donor (it can be used for tax receipt purposes) posted in a hand-addressed envelope. Colleen will do the letter and as there are only 68 donors, she and Sam will do the calligraphy. Helen and True have offered to help with this as well.

     Rob asked about comparing this year's level of activities with figures from the last few years. Dave is going to get right to it.

     Colina moved to approve the treasurer's report. Jim seconded; motion carried.


4.         Arts Administrator's Report: BHCA's computer suffered a viral infection but survived.


Committee Reports:


a.         BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill: The opening on Tuesday, January 16th for the group show was well attended and enjoyable. Paul and Jim commended the work of Susan Nicholas Gephart in putting together this show. Paul stressed what an asset Susan is to BHCA. He spoke about the need for a chair for this committee and said he feels comfortable moving into this position right away as long as he can consult with Dave. Paul will need a schedule of upcoming shows, and guidance on the procedure for setting up shows.

     Colina recommended we provide a guest book to record attendance at the openings and to develop our membership/mailing list; Paul will get one for the next show.  Paul is looking for another artist to show with; he is on schedule for March when the group exhibit comes down.

     On behalf of Romayne, Colleen asked Dave is there was ever a formal agreement with the Gamble Mill regarding the cost of wall repair. Dave said there is no formal contract; it may amount to about $150 annually for this maintenance. The general feeling was that it would be fine to continue as we have; that BHCA is not in any jeopardy as a result of the current state of affairs. Also on behalf of Romayne, Colleen asked Dave what the agreement is regarding food for the openings. Apparently there have been some complaints about a shortage of food. Again, there is no formal contract; most people were surprised at the complaints, especially since it is not a widely practiced tradition to feed visitors at an art opening ("feast your eyes"). The general consensus was that it would be worthwhile to sound out the Gamble Mill and reconfirm what the expectations/needs of each group are, and also ensure that the relationship is continuing to be profitable to both. We may need to ask for Susan Nicholas Gephart's help on this as she already has an excellent relationship with Mill management.

     Sam reported via Susan that we need to make sure extra track lights are on hand; Jim said to call on him if a sudden need arises.

     Bob moved to continue any further discussion of Gallery issues in committee. Rob seconded; motion carried.


Old House Fair: No report.


Summer Sounds: Colina asked that we raise the pay for musicians from $120 per show to $150 per show. Dave will check the figures to see if this is affordable for BHCA; we will address this again at the next meeting.


Film Forum: Bob is talking to the Garman management about doing TV work (work of "transcendent value"). He suggested there might be greater opportunity to view actual film rather than video if we can work out a film series project with the Garman. The film forum program will be scheduled later in the year than in previous seasons.


Library Concerts: On February 4`", at 2:30 p.m., Andrew Smith will perform. Dave informed everyone that if you get there early, you might actually get to see the artist as he performs.


Victorian Christmas Arts and Crafts: Total funds raised this year were $1,934. The vendor fee was the same as last year ($95).

Totals from previous years:                   1999                $2277 (there were more vendors)

1998               $1700

1997               $1500

1996               $2100

True thanked everyone who helped; she reported seeing a strong effort on the part of the vendors to help create that Victorian look and feel. Bob reminded us that last year there was a request for more authenticity; he added that the Victorian feast idea is still alive as a possibility for 2001. We need to find extra vendor space for the next season, as the bakery annex may not be available.

Jim suggested encouraging the participation of vendors who have items other than Christmas crafts.


Local Government Grants: Annual report is due at the end of January.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New Business:

a.         Sculpture Garden: Colina reiterated her idea for an expansion of the sculpture garden in Talleyrand Park:

·        BHCA could sponsor a sculpture contest/exhibition, to stimulate interest in the garden.

·        The sculpture contest could be scheduled in tandem with a Summer Sounds event; we

need to check on liability and get in touch with the Talleyrand Park committee.

·        Colina wants to raise funds to buy a Fisher sculpture.

Rob says we need patrons - sculpture is prohibitively expensive as an outright purchase. He recommended accessing the following website for answers to some of our concerns about holding an outdoor exhibit:

     Jim suggested doing an indoor sculpture show at the same time as the outdoor sculpture garden exhibit.


b.         Planning a BHCA party to honor volunteers: this will be taken up at the next meeting.


c.         Colina recommended BHCA pursue connections with regard to renting space in the Match Factory.


Next Meeting/Adjournment:


The next meeting will be held on Friday, February 16`", at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Rob and True Fisher.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:39 p.m.