Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes for Friday, October 26, 2001
At the home of Jim and Gay Dunne
Attending: Helen Bechdel, Jim and Gay Dunne, Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Bob Fenichel, Rob and True Fisher, Rob Gannon, Susan Jackson, Colina Jordan, Melady Kehm, Romayne Naylor (President), Colleen Pike Blair (Secretary), Sam Totor (Arts Administrator), Mark Van Horn.
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. Introductions were made on behalf of Matt Mathias, M.D.
Minutes: The minutes from June's meeting were reviewed; there were no additions or corrections.
Treasurer's Report: Dave distributed a report illustrating BHCA's basic financial activity over the last three years. He predicted that BHCA would run a deficit for the current fiscal year. Gay moved to approve this report. Rob G. seconded; motion carried.
Arts Administrator's Report:
BHCA received a thank you note with original artwork from Martin Fowler, in response to an invitation to the recent anniversary party.
A letter from artist Mike Newcomer was circulated, asking for information regarding Bellefonte's airmail history.
The Bellefonte Intervalley Chamber of Commerce sent an invitation describing how to take out paid advertising space in its upcoming members' directory. Following a brief discussion, Sam proposed that we move this item to later discussion under New Business.
Sam recently submitted the final report for the PA Council on the Arts 2000-2001 grant. Application for the 2001-2002 grant is in process; this will be submitted by the end of October.
BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill:
Since the departure of Paul McMillan, Sam and Susan Nicholas Gephart have been sharing the responsibilities of running this committee. Sam asked that another person step forward to take on the additional duties he has been attending to (for example: designing the postcard, doing the mailings, handling artists' contracts, helping to recruit artists). Melady and Sam spoke of Susan's commitment and dedication to the continued success of this gallery; Susan has asked for administrative help as well as for some more people who will help hang the shows. Melady also reported that Susan would like to hold a meeting with anyone who is interested in working on the Gallery committee. Dave stressed the importance of having one person in charge of this committee's work; Romayne recommended both Carol Burke and Karen Baker as individuals who might be interested and who possess the resources necessary for the chair of Gallery committee. Romayne proposed moving this discussion to a search committee: Colina, Bob and Jim were nominated.
Old House Fair: No report.
Summer Sounds: No report.
Film Forum:
Bob reported on the August film forum showing of "Save Our Land, Save Our Towns," and "Store Wars". The attendance, estimated at about 75, was higher than any forum of recent years. This forum generated active discussion; this was further enhanced by Sue Hannegan's presentation on current plans for development of local municipalities. Although no members of Bellefonte Borough Council were present, Tom Kurtz of Patton Township was able to attend and spoke briefly about some of the issues under discussion. All in all, Bob declared this year's forum "a roaring success". Sam has submitted the final report for the grant for Film Forum.
Library Concerts:
Jim reported that on Sunday, November 4, Richard Wylie will perform on guitar.
Victorian Christmas:
True has received 36 applications from vendors, compared with 46 at this time last year; she predicts the usual last minute flurry of applications arriving from vendors. The vendors will be located in the YMCA and the Bellefonte Bakery Annex; the fee per vendor stands at $95. Regarding the concern that sales were down last year, Helen indicated that there might be some competition coming from Mifflinburg's Kristingle. Melady suggested that people coming to Victorian Christmas might get tired of seeing the same offerings each year. True asked for help with setup on Friday, December 7th.
Local Government Grant:
Bellefonte borough has agreed to increase the level of arts funding to $8500 (up from $6000); this is the amount to be matched by the PA Council on the Arts. Gay will be contacting Mary Armstrong, who has asked BHCA's assistance in acquiring grant support for a 4th of July art show at Adam & Art. The theme of the show will be pre-9/11 New York City. Rob Fisher pointed out that as the PCA no longer funds individual artists, the role of BHCA as a conduit for funds is crucial.
Old Business
Corporate Sponsors: No progress.
October Party: 62 people signed the guest book at the anniversary celebration; probably there were more attending who did not sign.
Garver Grant: A decision on funding will not be available until November.
New Business
Chamber of Commerce advertisement:
Jim stated that he has an ad already put together that could be used. Rob G. conveyed that taking out ad space is "the right thing to do". True moved to take out a one-quarter page ad (at an approximate cost of $295) in the Bellefonte Intervalley Chamber of Commerce Directory. Bob seconded; discussion followed. Jim volunteered to produce the ad by the December 2 deadline. With 9 in favor and 5 opposed, the motion was approved.
Fundraising Letter:
Helen, Romayne and Jim agreed to develop the 25th anniversary fundraising letter.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be held on Friday, November 16th at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Helen Bechdel. Members who plan to attend can help out by bringing along some snacks and refreshments.
Adjournment: Gay moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Bob seconded; motion carried.
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/98-6/30/99 |
7/1/99-6/30/00 |
7/1/00-6/30/01 |
7/1/00-10/25/01 |
2001-2002 FY Budget |
Interest |
815 |
1,140 |
1,335 |
68 |
1,000 |
Other Administration |
2,294 |
3,027 |
2,987 |
0 |
2,987 |
Film Forum |
1,711 |
1,214 |
0 |
175 |
0 |
General fundraising |
3,823 |
3,295 |
2,805 |
35 |
3,000 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
870 |
1,508 |
888 |
1,660 |
1,400 |
LGG Administration |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Old House Fair |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,704 |
2,323 |
1,187 |
1,101 |
2,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
4,403 |
5,332 |
4,689 |
0 |
4,450 |
Other projects |
48 |
_9_ |
_37_ |
_0_ |
50 |
15,667 |
17,847 |
13,927 |
3,038 |
14,887 |
Administration |
4,125 |
4,651 |
5,872 |
1,406 |
5,200 |
Film Forum |
1,096 |
1,602 |
37 |
849 |
1,100 |
General fundraising |
548 |
103 |
165 |
0 |
200 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,952 |
2,603 |
2,748 |
1,029 |
2,800 |
25th Anniversary |
n.a. |
n.a. |
n.a. |
648 |
n.a. |
LGG Administration |
772 |
1,603 |
1314 |
141 |
1,400 |
Old House Fair |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,889 |
1,757 |
1425 |
1,139 |
1,400 |
Victorian Christmas |
2,663 |
3,055 |
2,711 |
0 |
2,700 |
Other projects |
262 |
101 |
_21_ |
_0_ |
100 |
14,463 |
15,473 |
14,292 |
5,212 |
14,900 |
ASSETS 10/25/01
Checking 1,195 Note: This report does not include Garden Club
General savings 742 or Talleyrand Park income/expenses, inasmuch
Talleyrand Park savings 2,187 as programming choices aren’t made by
Garden Club savings 1,718 BHCA. This accounting follows procedure used
D.Gannon savings 325 in reporting to PCA, and will be used
MM Fund 5,999 henceforth. We are in effect a bank account for
CD’s 12,000 Garden Club and Talleyrand Park.
TOTAL 24,167
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treas.