Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Minutes for Friday, February 16th, 2001
At the home of True and Rob Fisher


Attending: Helen Bechdel, Gay Dunne, Jim Dunne, Bob Fenichel, True Fisher, Rob Fisher, Colina Jordan, Carrie Lyons, Tony Lyons, Paul McMillan, Romayne Naylor (President), Colleen Pike Blair (Secretary), Carolyn Shapiro, Sam Totor (Arts Administrator), Mark Van Horn


Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m.


Review of minutes: The minutes from January's meeting were reviewed. Colina moved to approve the minutes. Bob seconded; motion carried.


Treasurer's report: No report. Monsieur Eggler is contemplating figures in the company of his northern friends. Acknowledgements to fundraising donors have been sent.


Arts Administrator's report: PA Council on the Arts announces a traveling exhibit, coming to the Southern Allegheny Museum of Art from May 17 - 18. Other correspondence was distributed for review. Sam thanked Paul and Carolyn for their help with the postcard for the new show at the Gamble Mill gallery. Bob reported that he attended a meeting sponsored by the PCA, at which the PCA worked to gather ideas for new projects: there was nothing significant generated in this attempt.


Standing Committee Reports:


BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill: The second show of 2001, featuring our new friend Paul McMillan, will be hung on March 3rd, with an opening reception scheduled for March 6th. Paul is working on setting up some more iron rods (from which the artwork is suspended on chains); this should help to streamline the hanging process. Colina will donate a guest register for art openings. Since the other two artists in the new show are from Altoona, Sam has contacted the Altoona Mirror. Paul is in touch with the CDT regarding an article to appear either in advance of or near the day of the opening. Revisiting the issue of food at openings: True suggested that we advise the Mill in advance, according to our own expectations regarding the type of show being feted.

Helen related the possibility of a new alternate space for art. John Roberts is planning to remodel the former Guns and Ammo shop on Willowbank, to create a clock shop and, possibly, an exhibit space.


Old House Fair: No report.


Summer Sounds: Colina suggested initiating a contest for the best design for a Summer Sounds banner; the winner's design would be used to advertise the series. Four bands/dates are already scheduled for 2001: these are from groups who contacted Colina on their own, with requests for preferred dates. Colina reported on a preliminary review of costs provided to her by Dave: these figures indicated that BHCA should seek increased funding from the Garver Fund ($1000) to cover increased costs incurred by raising band fees. Jim moved to raise the compensation for musicians participating in the Summer Sounds series from $120 to $150. Rob seconded; motion carried.

Colina will try to pass on the position of chair of Summer Sounds to one of her committee members; she will devote the current season to training a replacement for the season of 2002.


Film Forum: Update on the Garman: Unfortunately, there are too many constraints and restrictions regarding what can be shown and when, as well as how the advertising is handled. This committee is rethinking what will be offered for this season and where.


Library Concerts: Sixty (60) people attended the performance of February 4. The final two concerts for this season will be held on March 25 (flutist duo) and April 27 (Gaelic folk music).


Victorian Christmas: True asked all members to be on the lookout this summer for unique vendors, and to be sure to put them in touch with her so that she can get them the mailings and information on Victorian Christmas. Colina suggested seeking artists who can offer ongoing demonstrations of how they create their work.


Local Government Grants: Deadlines were met.


Old Business:

Sculpture Garden: Paul suggested working with the borough towards providing exhibition space for sculptors. Romayne reported that the borough feels it has no provisions for liability and will not assume any responsibility for sculptures, should BHCA proceed with a contest/exhibition­The recommendation of the borough was for BHCA to hire one of the local fire departments to provide security. Romayne suggested holding the contest in tandem with the Arts festival. Liability continues to be an issue for discussion.


Corporate Sponsors: This effort needs to be resumed. Bob recommended targeting businesses that are new to this area, as it is generally part of their goodwill policy to become local sponsors.


New Business: Happy Birthday Jim!!!


Next Meeting: The next meeting of BHCA will be held on Friday, March 16`t', at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Colina Jordan.


Adjournment: Bob moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Gay seconded; motion carried.