Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes for Friday, May 18, 2001
At the home of Jim and Gay Dunne
Attending: Gay Dunne, Jim Dunne, Dave Eggler (Treasurer), Rob Fisher, True Fisher, Rob Gannon, Paul McMillan, Romayne Naylor (President), Colleen Pike Blair (Secretary), Carolyn Shapiro, Sam Totor (Arts Administrator)
Guest: David Harry, artistic director, Centre Playhouse
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p.m.
Presentation: David Harry outlined the current status of Centre Playhouse. The company has a full season of musicals and straight drama planned through the spring of 2002 (including Children's Storybook Theatre productions). Now operating with the guidance of a full board of directors, Centre County Playhouse is undergoing a strategic planning and visioning process and is actively developing committees. New plans include working to develop community theatre across the county, establishing more venues and exploring ways to improve marketing for all productions. In addition, Centre County Playhouse is currently seeking rehearsal/storage space in Bellefonte (800-1200 square feet, to rent, preferably at ground level). Mr. Harry asked for the assistance of BHCA members in locating potential rehearsal spaces, as well as in providing basic support of our community theatre.
Secretary's report: The minutes from April's meeting were reviewed; Dave moved to approve them. Gay seconded; motion carried.
Treasurer's report: Dave presented a full financial report and predicted that on June 30, 2001, expenses will equal income (this is more hopeful than his earlier predictions). Gay moved to approve the report. Rob Gannon seconded; motion carried.
Arts Administrator's report: Monthly correspondence was distributed, including a brochure for the upcoming sculpture conference in Pittsburgh (June 6-10, True spoke in commendation of Jean Gerber's efforts to shake up the Chamber of Commerce.
Standing Committee Reports
BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill: The 2001 grant proposal, prepared by Dave, was reviewed by Paul and forwarded to Sam for submittal. The next show, "The Pennsylvania Centre for Landscape Painting: A Group Exhibit", will run from June 2"d until July 28th, with a reception scheduled for June 12t'. Paul suggested inviting Susan Nicholas Gephart to come to a regular meeting of BHCA, so that she can introduce the landscape painting group and describe what they are doing.
The records of activities undertaken by BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill, meticulously maintained by Dave, were passed on to Paul. A full calendar of exhibits has been prepared; Paul will forward this information to Rob Gannon once all has been confirmed through artists' contracts. More volunteers are being sought for the hanging committee. Interested individuals should contact Paul. Paul introduced the idea of running exhibits that do not rely on charging commissions from artists. This will be explored further in committee.
Old House Fair: No report.
Summer Sounds: Sam reported that Danone has agreed to donate water again; Sam needs to know how much and when to arrange for pickup. The concert schedule is all confirmed, with the exception of one date. Sam submitted an application to the Garver Fund for financial support for these concerts.
Film Forum: Jim reported on behalf of Gay (on behalf of Helen) that themes are still being explored, as well as the availability of specific films. Plans are to schedule summer screenings at Adam & Art Gallery.
Library Concerts: Jim reported a successful season of concerts.
Victorian Christmas: True has secured the use of the YMCA; the Bellefonte Bakery annex might be available although this has not been confirmed.
Local Government Grants: This committee made recommendations to award grant monies (totaling $11,000). Gay reported that there were more applicants than in previous years and the amounts requested were greater. The following organizations were recommended as recipients of funding:
BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill
BHCA Library Concerts
Bellefonte YMCA plan for mosaic tile work produced by families
Mary Vollero exhibit at Adam & Art Gallery
Bellefonte Museum "There's No Place Like Home: An Introduction to Bellefonte Architecture" (current exhibit)
Mills Brothers exhibit
Old Business
Corporate Sponsors: Sam has developed some of the text for a new brochure; Paul will work on complimentary digital images.
New Business
Web page: Rob reported that Doug Stanfield, who has been supporting the financial burden of maintaining the domain name, wondered if BHCA would agree to subsume this cost. Rob will approach HBI about a proposed sharing of the web page expenses. Rob would also like to hand over the helm of web page design/management.
Sam pointed out that this year is the 25th anniversary of the incorporation of BHCA, and that this would be something to highlight in the 2001 fundraising campaign.
Adjournment: Jim moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. True seconded; motion carried. The next meeting will be held on Friday, June 15th at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Paul McMillan and Carolyn Shapiro, 920 Halfinoon Road.
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/97-6/30/98 |
7/1/98-6/30/99 |
7/1/99-6/30/00 |
7/1/00-5/18/01 |
2000-2001 FY Budget |
Interest |
833 |
815 |
1,140 |
310 |
850 |
Artscape |
150 |
0 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
n.a. |
Other Administration |
2,180 |
2,294 |
3,027 |
2,987 |
2,987 |
Film Forum |
1,551 |
1,711 |
1,214 |
0 |
0 |
General fundraising |
175 |
3,823 |
3,295 |
2,730 |
3,000 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,933 |
870 |
1,508 |
888 |
1,400 |
Garden Club |
779 |
1,289 |
873 |
577 |
500 |
LGG Administration |
n.a. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Old House Fair |
1,562 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,079 |
1,704 |
2,323 |
1,187 |
2,100 |
Talleyrand Park |
2,975 |
25 |
100 |
575 |
1,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
5,282 |
4,403 |
5,332 |
4,689 |
4,450 |
Other projects |
824 |
48 |
_9_ |
_37_ |
190 |
19,324 |
16,981 |
18,820 |
13,979 |
16,477 |
Administration |
3,340 |
4,125 |
4,651 |
5,382 |
4,690 |
Artscape |
357 |
157 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
n.a. |
Film Forum |
1,152 |
1,096 |
1,602 |
0 |
2,300 |
General fundraising |
492 |
548 |
103 |
165 |
455 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,408 |
2,952 |
2,603 |
2,198 |
2,535 |
Garden Club |
550 |
552 |
338 |
83 |
500 |
LGG Administration |
n.a. |
772 |
1,603 |
905 |
1,040 |
Old House Fair |
1,268 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,460 |
1,889 |
1,757 |
755 |
2,060 |
Talleyrand Park |
2,080 |
0 |
89 |
0 |
1,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
3,141 |
2,663 |
3,055 |
2,711 |
2,685 |
Other projects |
727 |
262 |
101 |
_21_ |
390 |
16,975 |
15,015 |
15,900 |
12,218 |
17,655 |
ASSETS 5/18/01
Checking 2,844
General savings 2,234
Talleyrand Park savings 2,187
Garden Club savings 2,200
D.Gannon savings 325
MM Fund 6,088
CD’s 12,000
TOTAL 27,878
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treas.