Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Minutes for Thursday, June 12, 2003
7:30 p.m. at the Centre County Library and Historical Museum
Attending: Carolyne DuBois, Jim Dunne, David Eggler (Treasurer), Buzz Evers, Holly Fritchman, Dick Knupp, Sharon McCarthy, Romayne Naylor (President), Sam Totor (Arts Administrator), Kitty Wunderly.
The meeting was convened at 7:35 p.m. with brief introductions.
Review of minutes: Minutes to the March 19, 2003 meeting were reviewed. Sharon M. moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Jim D. seconded; motion carried
Treasurer's Report: Copies of the financial report were distributed and briefly reviewed. Jim D. moved to approve the report as submitted. Sam T. seconded; motion carried.
Art Administrator's Report: Mail was distributed. Announced dedication ceremony for Nathan & Florence Krauss Park and Lambs Crossing on Saturday, June 14 @ 10 am. Reception to follow. Pennsylvania Partners in the Arts grant application was submitted - deadline March 1. This replaces the PCA grant that is submitted directly to Harrisburg. Locations for BHCA info. brochure was discussed.
Standing Committees
Gallery at the Gamble Mill: Buzz Evers reported. Next exhibit - "Interiors/Exteriors". June 21-September 13 with reception on June 24.
Artists: Marty Edmunds, Jeff Edmunds, Perry Winkler, William Snyder II
Old House Fair: Kitty Wunderly to see Colina Jordan. One idea: winterizing your garden and home. Past budget requested.
Summer Sounds: Flyers were distributed for first half of season. Garver Fund application submitted.
Film Forum: Dick Knupp reported. Topic/theme not chosen. Distributor catalogs being reviewed. Committee considering forum by end of summer.
Library Concerts: Jim Dunne reported. Funding for series should be increased to cover work of chair Diane Gold Tolson. Jim will report at next meeting.
Victorian Christmas Arts and Crafts: No report.
Local Government Grant: The Committee met on May 28"'. Recommendations will be submitted to Ralph Stewart for final approval.
Old Business
Park benches have not been purchased. The company that will be making the "New York style" benches will deliver a sample bench on June 19th or 20th. The bench will be placed at Talleyrand Park
New Business
- New BHCA email address is
- Jim D. reported on lighting issue. The type of light bulbs/reflectors being used in Bellefonte is under review by the Borough. Rob Fisher has been studying this issue and has submitted his recommendations. Borough is still reviewing the issue.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be Sept. 11th at 7:30 p.m. @ the Centre County Courthouse, Court Rm. #2. Adjournment: Dick K. moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Dave E. seconded; motion carried.
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/99-6/30/00 |
7/1/00-6/30/01 |
7/1/01-6/30/02 |
7/1/02-6/15/03 |
2002-2003 FY Budget |
Interest |
1,140 |
1,335 |
192 |
545 |
1,000 |
Other Administration |
3,027 |
2,987 |
2,341 |
3,094 |
2,987 |
Film Forum |
1,214 |
0 |
175 |
37 |
0 |
General fundraising |
3,295 |
2,805 |
2,765 |
2,085 |
3,000 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,508 |
888 |
2,436 |
1,713 |
1,900 |
LGG Administration |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Old House Fair |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
2,323 |
1,187 |
2,778 |
1,084 |
2,000 |
Victorian Christmas |
5,332 |
4,689 |
4,445 |
3,670 |
4,450 |
Other projects |
_9_ |
_37_ |
_65_ |
_0_ |
50 |
17,847 |
13,927 |
15,197 |
12,228 |
15,387 |
Administration |
4,651 |
5,872 |
6,215 |
8,546 |
6,600 |
Film Forum |
1,602 |
37 |
849 |
963 |
900 |
General fundraising |
103 |
165 |
128 |
237 |
200 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,603 |
2,748 |
3,193 |
2,127 |
2,800 |
25th Anniversary |
n.a. |
n.a. |
775 |
n.a. |
n.a. |
LGG Administration |
1,603 |
1,314 |
602 |
680 |
1,000 |
Old House Fair |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,757 |
1,425 |
2,315 |
1,978 |
1,400 |
Victorian Christmas |
3,055 |
2,711 |
2,649 |
2,280 |
2,700 |
Other projects |
101 |
_21_ |
_0_ |
_0_ |
100 |
15,473 |
14,292 |
16,725 |
16,810 |
15,700 |
ASSETS 6/15/03
Checking 1,206 General BHCA 16,325
Savings 1,123 Garden Club 2,019
MM Fund 6,132 Talleyrand Park 2,117
CD’s 12,000 TOTAL 20,461
TOTAL 20,461
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treas.
Income/expense numbers for FY 2002-2003 are negative by $4,580. In part, that’s due to computer purchase and lack of Summer Sounds income or grants (so far) for 2003 season. Sheet above doesn’t show that Talleyrand Park took in $14,250 from grants and spent $16,250 for the TP iron bench project.