Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Meeting of June 30, 2006
Etcetera, Etc.
107 S. Allegheny St., Bellefonte PA
Present: Donna Rochon, vice president; David Eggler, treasurer; Anna Sloan, secretary; Michelle Montes, Arts Administrator; Colina Jordan-Seeley; Jim Dunne; Gay Dunne; True Fisher; Rob Fisher; Kim Gates Flick; Ralph Seeley.
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Donna at 7:45 pm.
2. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of May 12, 2006 were presented. Motion by Michelle to approve minutes as presented; seconded by Donna; unanimously approved.
3. President's Report: Delivered by Donna. There is a children's festival of the arts that we may decide to support; however, a vote on this was tabled until our next meeting, since Romayne has all the particulars and was unable to attend. Michelle's formal written resignation was received two weeks ago, and is effective July 1.
4. Treasurer’s report (at end of minutes): Dave presented the budget report. Motion by Michelle to approve the Treasurer's report; seconded by Rob; unanimously approved.
5. Arts Administrator’s report: Michelle said that she is resigning because she is taking a full-time job in art supplies distribution; she is happy to help with the transition over to a new Arts Administrator. All present expressed their congratulations.
6. Committee Reports:
a. Gallery at the Gamble Mill: Jim said that the current photography show is stellar, as was the opening for it. Anna mentioned that two of Annie-Hanna Mancini's works have now come apart; it was suggested that we should have the right to reject any pieces that aren't put together well enough.
Michelle said that it's working well to have a single contact for sales of artwork, since it eliminates the suspicion of artists selling behind our backs. Sales are at an all-time high since this policy was implemented (we've already sold 3 works from this show!).
b. Summer Sounds: Dave reported that we have already had two concerts. The first was not a very professional group; and last week it rained and so was moved to the YMCA, and unfortunately only about 25 people attended.
c. Film Forum: This committee is defunct and should henceforth be absent from meeting agendas and minutes.
d. Local Government Grants: No current news.
e. Sunday Afternoons at the Library: Jim said that
Diane is starting to put together a program for the coming season,
but there is nothing yet to report or do.
f. Victorian Christmas: True said that she can no longer be the chair of this committee, since she will be travelling too much. Next meeting, we should look for someone to replace her.
g. Talleyrand Park Committee: True said that we have received $20,000 towards the refurbishment of the gazebo from the Tourist and Convention Bureau, which is half of what she had requested. The committee must now either revise their plans, or find more money. Sue Hannigan is currently pricing different options.
h. BHCA 30th Anniversary Committee: Gay resigned from her position as chair of this committee; it seems that a regrouping and a new committee are in order. True suggested that since we aren't going to get anything done towards the DVD or a gala over the summer, perhaps we should just make an announcement at one of our already-scheduled events. It was decided that our September opening for the Gamble Mill Gallery would be an ideal moment for this, since it is a Farmland Trust show and hence will be perhaps especially appropriate for a big opening. Kim mentioned that the Farmland Trust may have funding for a gala and perhaps we should collaborate with them. Donna volunteered to put together a display of photographs of Bellefonte from 30 years ago. It was noted that we should choose the date carefully, since The Bellefonte Museum for Centre County is having some kind of gala event the last week in September. The new Arts Administrator will be responsible for sending out invitations: HBI, the chamber, borough council, commissioners, etc. should be invited in addition to the usual mailing list.
Motion to implement all of the above by Gay; seconded by Rob; unanimously approved.
7. Old Business: none.
8. New Business: A search for a candidate to fill the position of Arts Administrator. It was decided that we should advertise in the Bellefonte Gazette and in the Weekender section of the Centre Daily Times. We will solicit the electronic submission of resumes, for which the deadline will be July 28. Dave will receive and distribute applications to the committee, as well as chair the committee for interviewing and selecting a candidate. Other committee members: Gay and Michelle. Alternates: True and Anna. It was noted that Romayne should be asked how she wants to be involved.
Colina had the idea of getting an unpaid intern to help with administrative duties, perhaps a student at Penn State seeking to gain experience in arts administration. It would be the job of the new Arts Administrator to cultivate an internship program. Donna moved to add these duties to the AA job description; motion discarded since it is too early to know whether this will come about; but it was suggested that we mention the idea to candidates.
9. Next meeting: September 8, 2006, 7:30 p.m., at Rob and True Fisher's house.
Adjournment: Dave moved to adjourn; seconded by Michelle; unanimously approved.
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/02-6/30/03 |
7/1/03-6/30/04 |
7/1/04- 6/30/05 |
7/1/05- 6/29/06 |
2005-2006 FY Budget |
Interest |
584 |
323 |
317 |
238 |
500 |
Other Administration |
3,094 |
2,992 |
3,148 |
4,789 |
3,000 |
Film Forum |
37 |
77 |
1,000 |
0 |
70 |
General fundraising |
2,085 |
4,163 |
2,725 |
2,945 |
2,400 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,713 |
2,040 |
1,750 |
1,840 |
2,000 |
LGG Administration |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
0 |
2,022 |
3,756 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,198 |
1,953 |
2,951 |
2,354 |
2,400 |
Victorian Christmas |
3,670 |
4,670 |
4,025 |
4,325 |
3,670 |
Other projects |
_40_ |
_30_ |
_289_ |
_1,500_ |
___50 |
12,421 |
18,269 |
19,961 |
17,990 |
14,090 |
Administration |
8,546 |
7,525 |
5,398 |
6,744 |
7,000 |
Film Forum |
963 |
1,121 |
0 |
0 |
1,000 |
General fundraising |
237 |
420 |
185 |
1,551 |
255 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,139 |
1,720 |
2,144 |
1,744 |
2,100 |
LGG Administration |
680 |
581 |
1,496 |
607 |
1,000 |
Library Concerts |
0 |
400 |
250 |
188 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
0 |
3,183 |
2,109 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,978 |
2,146 |
1,133 |
2,586 |
1,955 |
Victorian Christmas |
2,280 |
2,768 |
2,436 |
2,587 |
2,320 |
Other projects |
_0_ |
_0_ |
_262_ |
_1,609_ |
__120 |
16,822 |
19,863 |
15,413 |
17,617 |
15,750 |
ASSETS 6/29/2006
Checking 5,565 General BHCA 15,990
Savings 632 Gannon Fund 1,731
MM Fund 8,608 Talleyrand Park 5,384
Post Office Fund 300 Perform Arts Fund 2,112
CD’s 10,112 TOTAL 25,217
TOTAL 25,217
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treas.
BHCA received $1,600 in a LGG from Bellefonte Boro for Gallery at The Gamble Mill
Talleyrand Park received $3,600 from The Margaret Decker Family Trust