Historical and Cultural Association
Minutes of Past Meetings
7PM – 8PM
Home of True Fisher
Attendees: President: Romayne Naylor
Vice President: Donna Rochon
Treasurer: Dave Eggler
Arts Administrator: Mark Houser
True Fisher, Susan Gephart, Mark Van Horn, Colina & Ralph Seeley, Erin McCall, Sarah Jarvis, Jim & Gay Dunne, Dick & Johann Knupp, Sharon McCarthy
Call to Order Romayne Naylor
Introduction of New Arts Administrator by Romayne Naylor
Discussion: Mark Houser was formally introduced as the new part time Arts Administrator for BHCA.
Minutes of Previous Meeting
Discussion: Table October minutes until January meeting
Treasurer's Report (at end of minutes) Dave Eggler
Discussion: See attached report
Dave discussed the $20,000 given to the TR Park Committee by the Visitors Convention Bureau.
Bids from Contractors were due today.
Action items: Motion to approve report: Colina
2nd: Ralph
Arts Administrator's Report Mark Houser
Mark Discussed having a Logo Contest for a new BHCA Logo
Susan G. mentioned using the Art Alliance Dispatch and doing a Juried contest rather than open. Donna R. and Dave E. sggested displaying them and letting everyone see them before chosen. Colina – We need a committee who knows BHCA to work on guidelines.
Mark is working on Internal and External Surveys to collect info for the future of BHCA.
BHCA Gallery at the Gamble Mill
Discussion: We have a few ideas to bring the Gallery out of the red.
Four shows in 2007: January: Perry Winkler and Students Food For Thought “V” Hang is on January 6th. Mark H. will be out of town and not able to attend hang. 3rd Show: 7 Lively Artists Last show: Themed Show
Susan G. met with Jeannie and she is in harmony with the inserts in the menu idea.
Ralph posed involving Bellefonte, BEA and Penns Valley. Susan G.: Maybe in 2008 Romayne N: Could be another venue
Jim D.: Would Penns valley Travel? Colina: Proposals need to be well thought it would be a great opportunity to reach out to other communities Jim D.: We don’t want another committee to develop a new Art venue.
Summer Sounds
Discussion: Joanne K: Contacted by a couple of new Bands. Romayne N: Does the committee go see the bands before they are chosen? Joanne K: We try to get groups to come at a flat rate. True F: Suggested the Night Crawlers “Their music is fun!” Romayne will find out who to contact. Dave E: We can pay the groups more. The Elks have been very generous. We need to include a younger Demographic
Sunday Afternoons at the Library
Discussion: Sunday November 19th
will be the next concert.
New Business
Discussion: Romayne attended PIMA and suggested Obsession for possible Film Forum Movie if we revive Film Forum
12 minute Documentary on Radical Islams destroying the Muslim religion
Do we have a Film Forum Committee? Email members on Interest? Is it too Controversial?
Fundraiser Mailing
Discussion: Letter on Kitty’s CD, Put something
out before the 1st of 2007.
Officer Elections in January
Discussion: We had our 1st meeting
Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Show Update True Fisher/Mark Houser
Discussion: Setup Committees were devised.
Minstrel Show /Name JoAnn Knupp/ALL
Discussion: Great response to the idea – Dick K.: Gave us a brief history of the Minstrel Show and his work with the JC’s when they did something similar
Mark H: Great opportunity to promote awareness of BHCA and community involvement True F.: Need a great producer to carry it out!
Donna Rochon is willing to coproduce as well as Dick & Joanne Knupp and Mark Houser
Romayne would be glad to help
Other Business
Discussion: Colina S: We need to poke into the events at Cool Beans every once on a while. Perhaps we could partner with them on the Poetry readings or other events and tap into funding from the Humanities Council
We received a thank you note from Centre County historical Society.
No to the Ad in Chamber publications.
Next Meeting
Discussion: No Meeting in December
The Next Meeting will be held on January 19, 2007 at the home of Donna and Jack Rochon.
Motion to Adjourn: Gay Dunne
2nd: Mark Vanhorn
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/03-6/30/04 |
7/1/04- 6/30/05 |
7/1/05- 6/30/06 |
7/1/06- 11/17/06 |
2006-2007 FY Budget |
Interest |
323 |
317 |
287 |
112 |
500 |
Other Administration |
2,992 |
3,148 |
4,789 |
0 |
3,000 |
Film Forum |
77 |
1,000 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
General fundraising |
4,163 |
2,725 |
2,945 |
0 |
2,400 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,040 |
1,750 |
1,840 |
69 |
2,000 |
LGG Administration |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
2,022 |
3,756 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,953 |
2,951 |
2,354 |
3,058 |
2,400 |
Victorian Christmas |
4,670 |
4,025 |
4,325 |
4,300 |
3,670 |
Other projects |
_30_ |
_289_ |
_1,500_ |
_0_ |
___50 |
18,269 |
19,961 |
18,040 |
7,539 |
14,020 |
Administration |
7,525 |
5,398 |
7,172 |
668 |
7,000 |
Film Forum |
1,121 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
General fundraising |
420 |
185 |
1,551 |
0 |
255 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,720 |
2,144 |
1,776 |
940 |
2,100 |
LGG Administration |
581 |
1,496 |
607 |
0 |
1,000 |
Library Concerts |
400 |
250 |
188 |
0 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
3,183 |
2,109 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
2,146 |
1,133 |
2,933 |
1,575 |
2,600 |
Victorian Christmas |
2,768 |
2,436 |
2,587 |
170 |
2,320 |
Other projects |
_0_ |
_262_ |
_1,609_ |
_0_ |
__120 |
19,863 |
15,413 |
18,424 |
3,353 |
15,395 |
ASSETS 11/17/2006
Checking 13,916 General BHCA 19,521
Savings 632 Gannon Fund 1,731
MM Fund 32,821 Talleyrand Park 32,094
Post Office Fund 89 Perform Arts Fund 2,112
CD’s 8,000 TOTAL 55,458
TOTAL 55,458
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treas.