Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings


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Date: November 30, 2007

Time: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Location: Colina Jordan & Ralph Seeley’s home



Type of meeting: General membership meeting

Meeting called by: Mark Houser (Arts Administrator)

Members present: Mark Houser (Arts Administrator), Sally Houser, Sara Jarvis (Recording Secretary), Erin McCall (Corresponding Secretary), Dave Eggler (Treasurer), True Fisher, Barb Pennypacker, Jim & Gay Dunne, Susan Nicholas Gephart, Sharon McCarthy, Colina Jordan, Ralph Seeley, JoAnn Knupp (Vice President), Mike Hawn



Minutes from previous meeting (10/26/07):

Unanimous decision to accept previous meeting’s minutes


Treasurer’s report:

§         No report for this meeting


Arts Administrator’s Report:

§         JoAnn is still serving as temporary President

§         Discuss having elections at the next meeting


Library Concerts:

§         Concerts have been well attended

§         Susan: should an email be sent to the BHCA list to ask if people want to be added to other mailing lists for our eventst?

§         Colina: should we have a sign up list to see who is attending the concerts?


Gallery at Gamble Mill:

§         Susan: the committee will meet briefly after the general meeting

o       a tentative schedule has been put together but the Gamble Mill is closing Dec 31st to re-open with the new owners in Jan or Feb

§         will need to get the current show taken down before the restaurant closes

o       Food for Thought is almost together

§         Colina: the menu inserts should match the new menu format

o       Susan: will send a letter or meet with the new owners to discuss the menu inserts

§         Mark: the Penn State marketing student can help with these issues


Summer Concerts:


Minstrel Show:


Talleyrand Park:


Victorian Christmas:

§         Two applicants turned away this year; everyone else was accepted

§         Most of the fees have been collected

§         Miscellaneous tasks:

o       Print out donut vouchers – True

o       List of vendors with booth # and maps of YMCA – Mark

o       Will be selling envelopes at the YMCA table

o       Call gymnastics coach to make sure the YMCA will be accessible at 7 pm on Fri - True

§         Friday schedule:

§         Posting signs around APS: 6-9 pm - Ralph

§         Marking lines: 4-6 pm - Gaye and Mark

§         Move into APS: 6-9 pm - Gaye and Mark

§         YMCA set up: 7-9 pm - True, Mike, Jim

§         Hofbrau for dinner after set up is complete (9:30 pm)

§         Saturday schedule:

§         Coffee/donuts for APS: Dave

§         Lunch run for APS: Sally

§         Opening YMCA: 7-8:30 am - Jim

§         Table at YMCA: 9-11 am – Colina & 1-5 pm - True

§         Sunday schedule:

§         Coffee/donuts for APS: Dave

§         Lunch run for APS: Sally

§         Table at YMCA: 10-noon – Sally & noon-3 pm - Colina

o       Take down

§         YMCA: John & Sharon

§         APS: Dave



§         Elections for the next meeting

o       Nominating committee: Colina (chair), Jim, and Erin


Next meeting: Friday, February 15th at Bellefonte Cool Beans


Jim moved to adjourn; Sally second.