Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
Date: February 15, 2008
Time: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Bellefonte Cool Beans
Type of meeting: General membership meeting
Meeting called by: Mark Houser (Arts Administrator)
Members present: Mark Houser, Sara Jarvis (Recording Secretary), Erin McCall (Corresponding Secretary), Dave Eggler (Treasurer), True Fisher, Barb Pennypacker, Jim & Gay Dunne, Sharon McCarthy, Colina Jordan, JoAnn Knupp (Vice President), Mike Hawn
Minutes from previous meeting (11/30/07):
Jim moved to accept (corrections made); Mike 2nd
Treasurer’s report (at end of minutes):
§ See report
§ Talleyrand Park Gazebo paid
§ Rural Arts Alliance grant received
§ Dave moves to accept; True 2nd
Arts Administrator’s Report:
§ Victorian Christmas changed to Saturday only next year? The attendance on Sunday and sales were low on Sunday.
o Need to get feedback from Victorian Inc
§ True: would fees be changed if we cut Sunday?
§ JoAnn: will vendors pay the same price for one day?
§ Gay: can the hours be extended to offset the removal of Sunday?
o Jim/True: hours can’t be extended
§ JoAnn/Colina: did we or can we get vendor feedback to determine whether they want to cut back to Saturday only?
o True: evaluations from vendors were collected in the past and many wanted to just do Saturday
§ Mike: don’t decrease the price since people never expect to make much on Sunday anyway.
§ Gay: the amount of work to set up is still the same regardless of whether it’s one day or two
§ As a group, it was decided that we would remove Sunday from Victorian Christmas
Library Concerts:
§ Good article in the CDT about the concerts
Gallery at Gamble Mill:
§ Reception for Food for Thought VI is on Tuesday, February 19th
§ We can also use the large dining room for display
o Only problem is that they will be serving dinner in there during subsequent receptions
§ Don’t know when the restaurant will open with the new owners yet; they will open for the reception
§ Colina: will they open on Saturdays for showings until the restaurant reopens?
o Sara: doubtful since there is a good deal of prep just for the reception (i.e., turning on the heat)
§ Sharon: Susan got publicity in The Weekender and in Voices magazine
§ Colina: what about the women’s newpaper?
§ JoAnn: another PSU student may be available to help with marketing issues
Summer Concerts:
Talleyrand Park:
Victorian Christmas:
§ See Arts Administrator report
§ By Laws
o Have not been sent to the attorney yet (Claire Kimmell)
o Send out copy to general membership
§ Elections
o No elections tonight
o Nominating committee: Colina (chair) and Jim met
§ Dave Dimmick was approached but declined the position
§ Committee is stuck since there aren’t many people that consistently show up to meetings
o Colina: need to increase the number of people that show up to meetings
§ Personally invite 6 people each?
o JoAnn: contact people from our mailing list to come to meetings
o Mark: divide up the mailing list so we can each contact a few people to invite them to the next meeting
o Colina: is there another night that would be more attractive to bringing in more people? Potential locations: High St Pub, Faith Center
o True: we can rotate nights and places to determine the best fit
New Business
§ BHCA logo
o Dave: BHCA doesn’t have a logo. Allow people to submit logos and then have a graphic artist help us.
o True: will people know what BHCA stands for? It will be difficult to make a logo that represents all the things BHCA does.
o Barb: the logo should make people think of Bellefonte
o Dave: we need to use it on letterhead and all correspondences
o Mark: has reverse stamps of local architecture
o Dave: will compose an email to send to the email list
§ Poetry
o Colina wants to do something with poetry
o Used to have poetry readings at Cool Beans
o Coreen Johnston may be willing to help and might be interested if someone could help her out with the administrative tasks
o It was suggested that Julia Kasdorff might be a good person to contact
o Jim: it would be difficult to find a venue. Someone from BHCA would have to be very involved.
o Erin: Look at East West Crossings for ideas
Next meeting: Tuesday, March 25th at Café on the Park at 7 pm
Dave moved to adjourn; Barb 2nd.
BHCA Financial Report
7/1/04- 6/30/05 |
7/1/05- 6/30/06 |
7/1/06- 6/30/07 |
7/1/07- 2/15/2008 |
2007-2008 FY Budget |
Interest |
317 |
287 |
1,860 |
928 |
500 |
Dues |
0 |
0 |
0 |
40 |
0 |
Other administration |
3,148 |
4,789 |
3,420 |
2,410 |
3,000 |
Film Forum |
1,000 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
General fundraising |
2,725 |
2,945 |
2,156 |
1,196 |
2,400 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
1,750 |
1,840 |
1,889 |
0 |
2,000 |
LGG Administration |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
3,756 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
2,951 |
2,354 |
3,302 |
2,772 |
2,400 |
Victorian Christmas |
4,025 |
4,325 |
4,350 |
5,125 |
3,670 |
Other projects |
_289_ |
_1,500_ |
_24_ |
_0_ |
___50 |
19,961 |
18,040 |
17,001 |
12,471 |
14,020 |
Administration |
5,398 |
7,172 |
5,120 |
4,978 |
7,000 |
Film Forum |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
General fundraising |
185 |
1,551 |
152 |
117 |
255 |
Gallery at Gamble Mill |
2,144 |
1,776 |
1,965 |
787 |
2,100 |
LGG Administration |
1,496 |
607 |
478 |
0 |
1,000 |
Library Concerts |
250 |
188 |
338 |
0 |
0 |
Gannon Jazz |
2,109 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Summer Sounds |
1,133 |
2,933 |
2,746 |
1,628 |
2,600 |
Victorian Christmas |
2,436 |
2,587 |
2,580 |
3,151 |
2,320 |
Other projects |
_262_ |
_1,609_ |
_0_ |
_0_ |
__120 |
15,413 |
18,424 |
13,379 |
10,661 |
15,395 |
ASSETS 2/15/2008
Checking 5,273 General BHCA 20,770
Savings 634 Gannon Fund 1,731
MM Fund 14,606 Talleyrand Park 4,170
Post Office Fund 270 Perform Arts Fund 2,112
CD’s 8,000 TOTAL 28,783
TOTAL 28,783
We received the PCA/RRA yearly grant of $2,410.
Net profit on Victorian Christmas Arts & Crafts Show was $3,948, which was split 50-50 with Victorian Christmas, Inc.
Submitted: David H. Eggler, Treasurer