Bellefonte Historical and Cultural Association
Bellefonte, Pennsylvania
Minutes of Past Meetings
May 27, 2008
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Café on the Park
Type of meeting:
General membership meeting
Members present: Mark Houser (Arts Administrator), Sara Jarvis
(Corresponding Secretary), Erin McCall (Recording Secretary), Dave Eggler
(Treasurer), Jim
Dunne, and Gay Dunne
Minutes from previous meeting
All present accepted the minutes
Treasurer’s report:
§ No new report
Arts Administrator’s Report:
§ Mark passed around the cultural data project results
§ Updating the contact list for officers and active members
§ Still going through the mailing list but have about 25 people to take off right now (those that have moved, are deceased, or no longer wish to receive mailings, etc)
§ By-laws: nothing new to report; they still need to be reviewed by an attorney.
o Dave will talk to Chuck Brown
o Mark will talk to Denny Mason
Library Concerts:
§ Done for this season
Gallery at Gamble Mill:
§ Receipts for Dave for the last mailing
§ Need to make a deposit at the post office before another mailing can go out since the balance is getting low
§ Next show going up on 5/31/08 with reception to follow on 6/3/08
Summer Concerts:
One change to line up—switch 6/15 and 8/3 bands | |||
Mailing to go out at the end of the week and
posters will be ready for distribution
Talleyrand Park:
Applying for a new grant through Centre Community Foundation | |
The fence will come down once the sod takes root |
§ Local government grants
o Gay: recommendations have been made
§ Elections committee
o Jim: Nothing to report
§ BHCA logo
o Jim brought a couple color logos for the group to review
§ Unanimous vote on burgundy gazebo with yellow stairs
§ Garman wants to solicit corporate donations for live performances.
o Dave and Mark met with the group at the Garman and agreed that BHCA would act as the parent organization for the 1st performance only (Annie)
o Dave: BHCA cannot lose money by getting involved
§ Art lectures/demonstrations
o To be discussed at the next meeting
Next meeting: Tuesday, September 16th at 7 pm; location TBD
Dave moved to adjourn; Gay 2nd.